Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Planet's Biggest Problems?

Hm, let's see, I would probably go with poverty, malnutrition, diseases (many of which are preventable), indoor air pollution, toxic waste, water shortages, deforestation (a lot of which is happening because of "green" energy), government corruption, and war/terrorism. Carbon dioxide going from 20 parts per million to 50 parts per million - I wouldn't even put that in the top 100.


  1. Get rid of socialism... a repugnant and regressive ideology that found at the root of most of the man's worst inhumanity to man of the last 100 years.

  2. Socialism and it's alter-ego/kissin' cousin; crony capitalism. Do away with 'em both.

  3. Yep, bring back that good old "government hands off" form of capitalism. It has its issues but nonetheless it still beats the hell out of Crony capitalism, socialism, and especially the oligarchs.

  4. One's worse than the other, bad as the second one is. Crony capitalism doesn't make the rivers run red with blood, while socialism often does.


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