Sunday, March 10, 2013

Eyes in the Sky

This is the satellite data, folks. The top graph shows the complete global trend from 1979 to 2013 (and, please, keep in mind here that this is occurring right after three and a half decades of relative cooling - the "Coming Ice Age", remember?). The second graph breaks it down between northern and southern hemispheres (up til 2006). Honestly, does this look like something that we and the rest of the west should be spending boatloads of cash on any time soon (especially if China, India, and Indonesia aren't going to be spending a penny on it)? I think not.............................................................................P.S. And the only "hockey stick" that this fellow sees in El Nino.


  1. You really need to look at longer trends as discussed in this post which covers the last 11,500 years. The concern is the rapid increase in temperature over the last few decades. Historically, such an increase would take thousands of years.

  2. Thee hasn't been a rapid increase in temperature over the last few decades. As you can see from the satellite data (which is far more accurate than surface readings), the temp has actually come down .1-.2 degrees Celsius since the El Nino spike in the late '90s. And from 1940 to 1975, we actually had three and a half decades of cooling (you remember that Newsweek cover, no?). Yes, we had a spike from the early 19th century to the mid 20th century. But that was a) because we were coming out of the little ice age and b) much before industrialization really took off (as it did after WW2). And we know that the Medieval warming period was warmer than it is today because the Norsemen settled there and they actually planted crops as well. Sorry, Jerry, but none of this is adding up.

  3. Your data shows about a 0.3 degree rise over 30 years whereas historically such a temperature change has taken hundreds of years. I call that a rapid change.

  4. Climate has always been chaotic and it's always been volatile. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about what's been happening these last few decades to the point where fellows like Gore and Obama and McCain (yes, there are some Republican prints on this as well) don't even say, global warming, anymore. They say, climate change. And the computer models themselves from the IPCC have all been way off. They were predicting far more warming than what we've gotten.

  5. Jerry, environmentalist Peter Taylor (not exactly a right-winger and a person who up until recently believed in AGW) went through the literature extensively and couldn't find one solitary experiment or article that was able to substantiate the alarmists' assertions pertaining to positive feedback.......As to what we do know, it's basically this; for every doubling of CO2, you get a 1.2 degree temperature rise. So, when you go from 20 ppm to 40 ppm, it's 1.2 degrees, and when you go from 40 ppm to 80 ppm, it's another 1.2 degrees. In order for the earth's temperature to go up 4 degrees from CO2 forcings alone, you would have to take it to over 160 parts per million. I seriously doubt that that's going to occur (every volcano in the world would have to go off simultaneously).

  6. Al Gore invented global warming to scam gullible Liberals out of their cash and use government to steal from everyone else. Everyone who actually looks into the data (instead of blindly going with what the Liberal scientists tell them) know global warming is junk science.

  7. I try not to get too conspiratorial about it but, yeah, if they could tax us for our breathing (human beings, animals, and bacteria are three of the biggest emitters of CO2 on the planet), they would.


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