Friday, January 25, 2013

Note to Bill O'Reilly

So, what's your next big project, Bill, "Killing Garfield" (and, no, I'm not talking about the cat)?


  1. Bill can be interesting at times, even makes some valid observations. It's Hannity I can't suffer anymore. Went the way of Glen Beck, at least for me.


  2. Have you read either Killing Lincoln or Killing Kennedy?

    Two books in the top ten on the NYT best seller list,one for well over a year....pretty good accomplishment.

  3. In fairness, fellas', O'Reilly probably IS one of the lesser objectionable cable/talk-radio guys. Hannity, Schultz, Olbermann, Beck, Malloy, and a whole host of others are clearly worse.......Still, though, a little bit of a horse's ass.

  4. I'm the other way; I can take Hannity a lot more than I can O'Reilly.

  5. Don't you find him a tad bit unrelenting? I mean, there were individuals on the left that way with Bush (Bush couldn't tie his shoes right apparently) and he seems to be doing it now with Obama.

  6. Its O'Reilly engaging in sexual harassment and spinning about it that did it for me. "Who's looking out for you" my ass. Or as it was, her ass.


  7. I cant watch over five minutes of Hannity.....he'd find something wrong if Obama pulled a kid from a burning building.Hannity is a one trick poney.I like Cavuto,he's got a great sense of humor.

  8. To each their own. I can't stand Cavuto; he's like some relative or buddy of Murdoch or Ayers who got a job at Fox News just because he was a buddy or relative.

    Bill Tush was like this at CNN. A hack who was Ted Turner's buddy.

    And yeah Hannity is a one-trick pony, I agree.


  9. Actually dmarks,Cavuto is the Senior VP of the Fox business channel.He's funny as hell when he's on Imus in the morning.

  10. Just not me cup of tea, I guess. Or my cup of Joe. Oh wait, wrong morning show.

  11. I still like the I-Man and will forever be pissed at Sharpton for a) making him grovel and b) helping to get the fellow fired.


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