Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Public Service Announcement from Me, Will "Take No Prisoners" Hart

This is me holding an "assault-weapon".......This is me taking the pistol-grip off of that "assault-weapon".......This is me holding a weapon that is no longer considered an "assault-weapon".......Atta way to go there, Mr. Obama, Dianne Feinstien. I feel soooooooooooooo much safer right now.


  1. 150 weapons identified by Ms. Wingnut as military style weaponry.

    We can now see even more clearly the motive...

  2. I'm like you. I'm on board with the universal background checks, doing away with the gun-show loophole, and limiting the magazine capacity (I would keep it to at least 10 rounds for self-defense) but, yeah, on a lot of this other stuff, it's silly season.

  3. What would you have Feinstein or anyone else do Will?

    You're getting as bad as most of the other righties I've come across. You offer nothing but attack any proposal.

    You're one of them now Will. Darn shame.

  4. Did you not read what I just wrote; universal background checks, doing away with the gun-show loophole, and limiting the magazine capacity. That and I would also make a felony to not report a missing weapon of any kind.......And who exactly are these "them"? I voted for Johnson because he was the legitimate anti-war (Obama and his fucking drones), anti-torture (Obama and his fucking rendition), anti-cronyism (Obama and his fucking bailouts and affinity for the FED), pro-civil-liberties (Obama and his fucking Patriot and Espionage Acts) and pro-gay-rights (Obama and his fucking leaving it up to the states for gays to get married) candidate. Yes, if voting for Governor Johnson constitutes being one of them....

  5. I'm thinking Joe, whom I respect by the way, is thinking the same of me. Even though I did several posts clearly stating I support enhanced background checks, longer waiting periods (cooling off periods), tightening up on the lax gun show thingy, limiting magazine capacity (restricting high cap extended magazines), and placing restrictions on semi automatic assault weapons. Not banning but perhaps a separate and more stringent requirement , perhaps demonstrating a legitimate end for such firearms.

    I guess anything short of Feinstein's Wing Nuttery just isn't acceptable to the lefties. Apparently even the lefty sportsman, as in hunter.

  6. The definitions of assault weapon are all cosmetic..bayonet lugs, flash suppressor, etc. IMO, the only thing that makes them 'assault' is that they were designed for the military, a counter to the ubiquitous AK-47.
    The specs required lighter weight,
    higher muzzle velocity, smaller ammo, better range accuracy and the same terminal
    kinetic energy (which elevates the
    impact of the smaller round with
    the higher velocity). They have some use as a varmint weapon and most owners like them for target
    practice. Unfortunately, they seem the weapon of choice for
    mass killers. I agree with Will there are some real steps than can be taken short of confiscation or
    banning, but I am sure the NRA will
    fight each and every one. If so,
    IMO, they should be held responsible for the ongoing 'collateral damage'...

  7. There's a method to Truth's madness, Les. He knows that we are difficult to pigeon-hole (conservative on the economy, healthcare and energy but liberal on foreign policy, civil liberties, and social issues) but he wants to stir things up and of course I idiotically took the bait.

    1. Yes Will, you are correct. Ambassador Truth 101 has a method... One he is very good at executing. He also enjoys spinning on occasion.

      It can be fun playing his game with him. For awhile.

  8. Bwahahahahahaha...

    Now let that be a lesson to you Will.

  9. What was that incarnation of yours that I used to like, Ayatollah Truthmeni or something? I really think that you should bring that one back.

  10. BB, I think that getting rid of the gun-show loophole is the key here. No, not a lot of criminals buy their guns there (less than 1%, I believe) but I suspect that a lot of the straw purchasers do and if we can at least slow that down a little, I'm game.

  11. He's the best in the business (and I know this 'cause he told me so).

  12. The left's Karl Rove, now that I could see!

    But what's to suffer? Except waiting to enjoy a fine glass of wine, and a great cigar while we match wits.

  13. Might I join with a nice cup of Brazilian Bourbon Santos or maybe some Panamanian (coffee, not weed)?

  14. I could do wine, coffee and a cigar Les. Most likely I would do far more listening to you and Will which you may find polite or boring.


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