Friday, December 7, 2012

On Krugman

There actually is one area in which Mr. Krugman does excel; the dude is clever. I mean, just take a look at this whole position of his on the stimulus. While, yes (and as Robert Murphy conceded in his Mises blog), it is true that he DID say (in real time) that the stimulus wasn't significant enough, it's also true to say that Mr. Krugman was in fact basing this sentiment on Christina Romer's, HELLO!, ACTUAL PROJECTIONS! So, in other words, Krugman never said that the stimulus was insufficient to the point that it wouldn't keep the unemployment rate under the 10% that ultimately happened, but that the stimulus should have been bigger in order to prevent the 7.5% figure that came DIRECTLY FROM ROMER'S PROJECTIONS. See the difference here? The dude is sneaky, I'm telling you.


  1. Ah yes, Mr. Krudman, the Keynesian. Sneak goes where sneak is.

  2. If the left wants to listen to a Keynesian, they should instead listen to Mark Zandi, an economist from Moody's. a) He's reasonable, b) he's sane, and c) he's honest.


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