Friday, December 7, 2012

On the Fine Art of Grown-Up Republicans and Democrats Acting Like Recalcitrant Children/Total Idiots

The Democrats want the top tax rates to go up from 33% (on people making over $200,000 a year) and 35% (on a figure yet unspecified - it's currently $388,000 a year) to 36% and 39.6% respectively. The Republicans - they, on the other hand, don't want these rates to go up at all. My question IS, can we please, pretty please, cut some sort of a deal here?...Like, I don't know, instead of the rates going up to 36% and 39.6%, we have them go up to 34.5% and 37.3% (yeah, I simply cut the differences here), and instead of the thresh-hold being $200,000, we negotiate it up to $500,000....I mean, no, we wouldn't get as much in terms of the revenue raised (instead of the $70 billion it would probably be closer to $35-40 billion) but it still would be a fairly amount and each side will have given up something in order to get it. So, what do you think, a deal here?


  1. For those thinking rationally yes. For the partisan narrow minded. Politician/ hack the answer is equally as obvious. No...

  2. Politics is the art of the possible and both sides are treating it like the art of the impossible.


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