Thursday, November 1, 2012

Typical Democrat or Outlier?

My experience says outlier, and I certainly hope that that's the case (a 30 year-old woman wanting birth-control absent even a co-payment).


  1. Not an outlier -- call her a New Democrat. Parties don't put outliers on the big stage at their conventions...

  2. Is it true that she was begging for a handout to cover something that cost as much as 1.5 latte's at Starbucks per month? I heard some conservatives claim this, but wonder if it is true.

  3. I must like the older Democrats, HR (fellows like William Proxmire and David Boren).............It's totally in the ballpark, dmarks. At Walmart and Target, you can get birth contol for $9 a month and for poorer people there are clinics out there where you can get it for free.

  4. A parasite, pure and simple.

    Besides, she looks like a frog.

  5. As long as vasectomies and viagra
    are routinely covered by health insurance, the birth control issue will remain controversial.

  6. Good observation BB. You are correct.


  7. After Tues. this silly twit will have used up her 15 minutes.


  8. Is anyone surprized deluded Ema has'nt surfaced after this weeks job numbers were released?The liberal fantasy world is an interesting place.....similar to OZ.

  9. It wouldn't have killed Obama to give those Catholic affiliated self-insured businesses a break. a) He gave his SEIU unions buddies a break and b) Catholic charities do a hell of a lot of good work in the community.......And, no, I don't agree with the Catholic church on birth control.

  10. BB: And as long as people are greedy and think they can earn something by begging for it.

  11. Part of the problem is that prior to the current theological construct, most healthcare plans
    covered contraceptives. Like most
    other drug coverage, copay and deductibles were the norm. If a woman was using contraceptives and
    her insurer removed coverage, she
    would not be 'begging' IMO.
    Government mandate aside, we note,
    "The National Business Group on Health recommends that employers include coverage of contraceptives in their plans, finding that the short-term costs may be modest and will likely be offset rapidly by long-term saving in preventing costs associated with pregnancy."
    ..indicating a business/medicine
    conflict with religious interests.
    Hence I reiterate-the issue will remain controversial.

  12. I agree that it's controversial but I don't think that you can make self-insured (and that's the key here) Catholic affiliated businesses pay for something that they have a fundamental philosophical objection to (and it is a relatively small group of businesses here)....Now, if the government wants to increase contraception funding for clinics that predominantly serve poor people, that would be an entirely different story. That, and Sandra Fluke can still get her contraception at Walmart for 9 bucks.

  13. Will: But don't forget she is as greedy as hell and is entitled to free contraceptives so it doesn't bite into her buying 22 Starbucks coffees on average per month.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. She represents the greed and avariciousness... the 'Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for you' inflated sense of entitlement and atrophied sense of responsibility that is characteristic of the 47% moochers Romney complained about.

    I know he was way off on the 47% actual number, but there is a good idea in there.

  16. "...greed and avariciousness.." isn't confined to the 47%. It's
    endemic .

  17. The article shows the greed of the UAW if anything. A hostile anti-worker organization which has filed a frivolous lawsuit.

    "UAW Files Charges Against Romney for Auto Bail-Out Profiteering"

    The headline is rich, considering that the UAW directly benefited from the tens of billions of dollars in corporate welfare called the "auto bailout".

  18. Romney profited from the auto bailout and Buffett profited from the Goldman bailout, if anybody's keeong score.


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