Thursday, November 1, 2012

In the Words of Cosmo Kramer, "Ca...Ca...Cat-Fight!"

According to Diana McLellan's book, "The Girls", Laurence Olivier and his then wife, Vivien Leigh, showed up at a party in which Greta Garbo was prowling around cantankerously. Miss Garbo, seemingly enamored with the handsome Brit, sunk her teeth into him in what was clearly an opportune moment (i.e., when Mrs. Olivier wasn't at his side) and dominated him for the better part of the evening. Needless to say, Vivien was infuriated by this and even came close to going up the Swede and decking her. Wow, huh? Can you even begin to imagine a cat-fight between those two; Scarlet O'Hara versus Queen Christina? I'm frigging shivering just writing about it.


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