Friday, November 30, 2012

Never Will We Ever, Ever, Ever Learn

According to CNN, a lot of those weapons that we ended up giving to the "rebels" in Libya, THEY'RE MISSING. And we aren't exactly talking bb guns and pea shooters here, either. Nope, we're talking to surface to air missiles and some of them may have even ended up with Hamas. Look, I understand that fellows like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are thoroughly considered cranks and all (even within their own parties at times) but on this one I basically have to agree with 'em. Discretion WOULD have been the better part of valor.


  1. You are right. But I must take issue with the crank comment . Ron Paul is a crank only to those without a clue to begin with. IMNHO.

  2. I don't personally consider him a crank (I fully agree with him on the FED and military spending), just that a lot of other people apparently do.

  3. We have learned! Big business (international arms sales) comes before discretion.

  4. The Military Industrial Complex is alive and well, I totally agree.


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