Thursday, November 8, 2012

How 'Bout this for a Compromise (for Starters)?

a) Raise the top rate to 38% (negotiated down from 39.6%) for everything over a million bucks a year.............b) Raise 50-75 billion a year in revenue from closing loopholes (75% of that coming from people making over $250,000 a year).............c) Cut 150 billion from the budget and do it across the board (no, not the most preferable way to cut but, being that these imbeciles are seemingly incapable of making difficult decisions, it just might be the only way to go).


  1. "Cut 150 billion from the budget and do it across the board"

    It doesn't have to be across the board. It is easy to come up with examples of pure waste, like the PBS money (which goes to make millionaires richer, and isn't needed), or the $1.5 billion to the terrorist kingpin in Egypt. Or the SCHIP money (billions) that was originally intended to go to poor kids but the Dems now have it going to rich adults. That's a start, but I'm sure it would be easy to come up with many more.

  2. And here is another example of pure waste, that gets us well toward that $150 billion.

    "The United States currently pays around $20 billion per year to farmers in direct subsidies as "farm income stabilization"[9][10][11] via U.S. farm bills"

    from Wikipedia.

    Of course, this is really corporate welfare, and those receiving such unnecessary gifts from taxpayer money will cry foul.


  3. "Close the loopholes,close the loopholes." Everyone says that,but no one actually says what loopholes.

  4. dmarks, I agree 100% on PBS and farm welfare and I would go even farther on foreign aid to the point of reforming it completely (the fact that we're currently rewarding crappy behavior and, hence, throwing money down a rat hole). I would also close military bases in places like Aruba, have Medicare negotiate directly with the big pharma companies, and drastically reform entitlements.

  5. Russ, I would start by reducing the deduction on mortgage interest from it's current cap of $1,000,000 to $500,000. That one act alone could potentially raise billions.

  6. The guy who plays "Big Bird" is a millionaire on the public dime, and don't forget Bill Moyers, also a millionaire on the public dime who spends most of his time championing increasing the power of government and those who favor giving him the money.

    NPR, cut all the money too. It is a pure waste. I listen to it more than any other radio news source. But just because I think something is a good idea doesn't mean I want the government to steal money from taxpayers to fund it.

  7. Will: " I would also close military bases in places like Aruba"

    That raises the point concerning the leftists who lie and claim the Benghazi disaster was a result of Ryan's budget cuts.

    It was the Obama administration's decision to cut security in Libya and keep it in Benghazi. Even after the cuts, there was more than enough money for embassy security where it was needed. In fact, the evidence shows that ObamaCo would have cut security there no matter how much money was thrown at it.

  8. Isn't is amazing, though, guys like you, me, and Marcus can significantly reduce the deficit (relatively easily) and all of those idiots in Washington can't? That's what truly frustrates me.

  9. In all fairness to the idiots.... we are all armchair generals here when it comes to stuff like this.


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