Friday, November 9, 2012

Hold the Sugar

I'm telling you, folks, nobody can make lemonade out of lemons any better than the Keynesians can. Take WW2, for example. Virtually every Keynesian during WW2 said that the U.S. was going to go into yet another deep depression after the war. They were wrong. But instead of just admitting that they were wrong, they went into this idiotic explanation that it was the deficit spending during the war (in addition to some pent up demand) that got us OUT of the depression. You just cannot make this stuff up....................................................................................And this whole concept that war in general (and other such calamitous events events) can somehow bring about economic prosperity isn't only ridiculous, it's sick. And where is the evidence? There was no boom after WW1, no boom after Vietnam, no boom as a result of the current wars (which I thoroughly opposed, btw), no boom after 9/11. War does nothing but kill people (though, yes, it is sometimes necessary) and bleed the treasury dry. To try and say that it somehow makes us wealthy is purely bonkers.

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