Friday, October 19, 2012

Typical Republican or Outlier?

Can we all put our hands together and pray for outlier? Anti-abortion (under any circumstances) zealot and deadbeat dad, Congressman Joe Walsh from Illinois.


  1. Typical so-con and neo-con rEpublican New American Fascist Party base of 2010 and beyond...

  2. Thanks to you and CNN for the lead on this one.

  3. Never heard of this guy before. The deadbeat dad part sounds bad, but the abortion part much less so for me, since I think abortion is a bad idea. And I have an opposite view of RN as to which side in the abortion controversy tilts more toward fascism.

    But thanks, Will, now I have the songs "Space Age Whiz Kids" and "Life's Been Good" in my head

  4. dmarks, I'm not opposed to certain restrictions on abortion but this guy wants there to be NO exemptions, even when the life of the mother is at stake.......As for the other Joe Walsh (who did some excellent solos for the Eagles, I thought), didn't he also do a song called, "Rocky Mountain Way"?

  5. Yeah, that goes too far. The opposite end from WD's idea that abortion is OK through and even later than the moment of birth.

  6. Trivia-wise, we note that the other
    Joe Walsh is supporting Joe Walsh's

  7. I saw the musical Joe Walsh a few years ago on television. Keith Richardsesque, I would submit.


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