Friday, October 19, 2012

Poor, Poor, Pitiful Obama - A Clarification

Perhaps I haven't made this point sufficiently clear. My criticisms of President Obama are in no way an endorsement of Governor Romney. In fact, I might even find him marginally more troubling than the President; the fact that he will probably appoint Antonin Scalia types to the Court, the fact that he still seems somewhat enamored by neoconservatism, just a couple concerns........................................................................................But it is what it is and I am what I am; a fiscally conservative and socially tolerant voter who only thinks that we should get involved militarily when our national security is at stake....Now, is Gary Johnson the perfect candidate for me? No, of course not. There's NEVER the perfect candidate (I don't, for example, agree with position on the "fair tax"). But in terms of reigning in our expansive foreign policy, getting a hold of out-of-control spending, taking a different approach on the so-called "war on drugs", getting rid of cronyism and corporate welfare, and advocating for marriage equality (he, unlike Mr. Obama, WOULDN'T leave the matter up to the states), he's pretty darn good and for that I'm supporting him..............................................................................................P.S. I actually have quite a long history of voting for third party candidates (all told, state, local, and national, I've probably voted for third party candidates 20% of the time). And, while, yes, a lot of those votes were probably of a protesting nature, Johnson I actually kind of DO like. The fellow has experience, integrity, and, unlike certain libertarians, he isn't some whacked-out anarchist fud (thank you, Mr. Kerouac) type. That I can appreciate.

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