Saturday, October 6, 2012


You think that politics is nasty? Try football down south. After Georgia Tech's inexplicable loss to Middle Tennessee State last week, the blogs of the Atlanta Journal Constitution absolutely erupted with some of the most hard-core vitriol imaginable. I would not want to be in the shoes of head coach, Paul Johnson, or defensive coordinator, Al Groh, any time soon....Now, am I saying that these two dudes need a bodyguard? Yeah, maybe.


  1. The hell with GT....check out what the OBC did this weekend.


  2. Come on him or not,he can coach the hell out of mediocre players.

  3. He definitely can. I follow college football recruiting a lot and South Carolina generally finishes between 6th and 8th in the final rankings of the SEC schools; still good players but not quite the caliber that Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Auburn, and LSU get.


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