Friday, October 5, 2012

A Roll of the....Dice, I Guess

Governor Romney has apparently made a hard/fast political calculation. He seems to think that he's better off being vague on taxes and deductions and taking the hit for that than he would be by specifying and pissing off various segments of the electorate ("What, you're taking away THAT deduction?")....I don't know - me, I would far prefer that he (and every politician) be straight with the American voters and at least provide us the parameters of his plan. But, hey, who am I to question here? He's running for President and I'm just sitting down typing about it.


  1. Fortune Magazine had a very interesting article about taxation, the deficit and debt. The authors criticized the ongoing gridlock in Washington where "comprimise is synonmous with treason." Suggested that a solution be a robustly bi-partisian one that both sides would have to agree on. The authors made several suggestions that would piss everyone off. First: Get rid of the Social Security trust fund and replace with a "pay-as-you-go" funding system. This would eliminate all the confusing accounting about the the solvency of SS...basically it would fix the system. I long felt this was a good idea. Other ideas were eliminating interest deductions on mortgages and tax worker benefits. The most contrversal suggestion was on Medicare/caid. Apparently 40% of the funding is spent on people who are dying with no chance of recovery. The authors seem to suggest that if these folks are dying anyway why make futile, costly attempts to preserve a dying person...I thought it was all rather interesting....

  2. As for Romney...Most people thought he "won" the first debate, including me. The interesting thing is he seemed to offer up a different policy that what he talked about previously. Secondly, he obviously drank several cups of coffee or was "cranked" on Red was actually quite amusing.

  3. Yeah, he was pretty pumped, huh?.....And "60 Minutes" did a pretty good piece on that Medicare aspect, too; the fact that Medicare cuts tens of billions of dollars worth of checks during the final month or two of life, and of how it's bankrupting the system. But like you say, it's a delicate subject (rationing) and nobody wants to talk about it.

  4. So Will, I guess you don't accept Mitt's explanation that he doesn't plan to lay down the law. I'd expect a moderate like you to be receptive to his plan to include views from Republicans and Democrats instead of "laying down the law."

    As he described it in the debate, he's laid down the broad strokes and will work out the details with legislators from both parties. Seems like a reasonable answer to me, and quite practical.

  5. That's a plausible explanation, HR. The only problem is that it leaves him open all day long to the liberals' demagoguery and I'm not entirely sure that I trust any politician at this juncture.

  6. The problem? Mittens is the "Human Flipper."

    Flip flops and very slippery. Like all snake oil salesmen he can't be trusted.

    Just like the progressive Obama. You'll see what you get (got) after the fact.

    Conservative, Progressive, Moderate statist ya still got a statist.

    Enjoy the ride down folks...

    Freedom and Liberty is dieing in the USA. The moral basis of of both, individual rights and natural law are essentially dead in America. Thanks to conservatives and progressives alike.

    Conservative get the lions share of the blame, but I ain't got time to explain it here. Starting a new career path, starting with schooling bright and early in the AM.


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