Friday, October 12, 2012

A Third (And Hopefully, Final) Quick Comment on the V.P. Debate

I was very uncomfortable watching it and happy when it concluded.


  1. .

    "I was very uncomfortable watching it and happy when it concluded."

    Does this help?

    “Hello 9 1 1? There s an old man beating a child on my tv”.

    The Republican spin afterwards was priceless, as well. Here’s a quick rule of thumb: when you’re complaining about stylistic points, your guy lost.

    ....1 week ago: President Obama is calm, unflustered, respectful and solid. Conservatives pan his performance, he was “destroyed” in the debate! Romney was aggressive, confident, energetic, forceful — he showed true leadership!

    ....1 week later: Paul Ryan was calm, unflustered, respectful and solid. Conservatives say this is just what we need in a leader! Biden was far too aggressive, far too confident, too energetic and too forceful — not what America needs in a leader!

    This falls into the category: “It’s funny because it’s true.”

    Ema Nymton

  2. By the way, Ema, how is your beloved Egyptian democracy working for you?

    The "elected" terrorist President has ordered the police to kill many dissidents and torture others. Great improvement over Mubarek, right?

  3. The Dems are still looking for that Goldilocks zone, Jerry. Maybe the President can find it in the next debate.

  4. Ema, do you deposit the very same talking points on every blog you visit.

    Do you posses any originality? Or do you just mouth words you've read some progressive pundit write or say somewhere?

    Just wondering?

  5. RN: Ema does. She is too stupid to spell politicans and party names consistently (no, this is not a spelling flame: she is willfully ignorant).

    She also used to post the Electoral College numbers all the time... but doesn't anymore since the tide is turning.

  6. I defended Ema last time. I'll let her defend herself this time.......As for the debate, I have no intrinsic ill-will toward Mr. Biden but that was a very bizarre display of behavior the other night. If temperament counts even a little, he failed miserably.

  7. The thing that gives me the most ill will toward Biden was his dangerous lie that the Taliban are not our enemy. Yes, the same people who supported and provided for 9/11 and sheltered and defended Bin Laden... and killed thousands of innocent Americans.

  8. Most conservative-leaning individuals were uncomfortable watching it, because Ryan was summarily crucified. I enjoyed every minute of it.

    I was very uncomfortable watching the Obama / Romney debate and I thanked God when it was over.

    I suspended my lack of a belief in God, just so I could thank Him.

  9. I'm a centrist, John, and, while I don't particularly care for Ryan (that neoconservative-social conservative mix has never had much appeal for me), Biden did not look at all stable to me.

  10. Biden was smirking like a jackass, but that has nothing to do with the fact that he logically destroyed his opponent. I do not discount the words because of the smirks, just as don't give Ryan extra credit for being much better looking.

    I know you are centrist,but you are far more conservative than you were when we met (at least in your comments).

  11. I would contest "far more", John. Obama is President and some of my criticisms of him are actually from the left; war, rendition, etc........And Mr. Biden was either being ridiculous or stupid when he tried to say that the only thing that we needed to do to reduce the budget deficit was to let the Bush tax cuts expire on people making overt a million a year (he didn't even know that the threshold was $250,000 for a family and $200,000 for an individual). That, and his answers on Libya were frighteningly uninformed. They knew with 24 hours that this was a terrorist attack and they send out that imbecile, Susan Rice, to say that it was a spontaneous reaction to some boorish movie. And this isn't conservative or liberal, John. It's speaking hard to power regardless of who it is that has the power.

  12. And Mr. Biden was either being ridiculous or stupid when he tried to say that the only thing that we needed to do to reduce the budget deficit was to let the Bush tax cuts expire on people making overt a million a year (he didn't even know that the threshold was $250,000 for a family and $200,000 for an individual).

    Two things: first, he does know where the threshold is, very well. He did not mention that threshold because he was trying to emphasize that people making a million or more a year don’t need tax cuts. Someone living in San Francisco making 250,000 per year is middle class, nothing more. Perhaps they do need the tax cuts.

    Secondly, he knows that would not solve the problem. No single solution will solve the problem. That is the thing he wanted to get out there right now. NEITHER party has a solution to balance the budget right now, or at least none that the other party would allow to pass. You know this, Ryan knows this, we all know this. Ryan makes up something and says that it will work, mathematics notwithstanding. Obama does not make up anything. That is not a credit to Ryan.

    That, and his answers on Libya were frighteningly uninformed.

    He was not uninformed. He wanted to change the subject because that specific discussion is politically un-winnable, regardless of the facts, which are probably not fully known yet and irrelevant if they were.

  13. Sorry, the facts are fully known and have been known since a couple of days after the incident. The administration kept lying about it long long after.

  14. Nice try, DMarks. You don't get to choose.

  15. John, he was specifically asked what, OTHER THAN raising taxes on the wealthy, would the administration do to reduce the budget deficit and he hysterically and singularly emphasized, "Let the tax cuts for millionaires expire!" That was it and that was dumb, I'm sorry.......And as for Libya, Eli Lake, Jake Tapper, Mark Hosenball, Fran Townsend, and Anderson Cooper have ALL reported that this act was a terrorist act and that the administration knew that it was well within 24 hours.

  16. And I wasn't defending the Ryan budget. I personally support Bowles-Simpson, Rivlin-Domenici, gang of 6 - that type of a balanced approach.


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