Friday, October 12, 2012

A Simple Question on the Libya Fiasco

So, who do you trust more, Eli Lake ("Newsweek" and the "Daily Beast"), Jake Tapper (ABC News), Mark Hosenball (Reuters), and Anderson Cooper/Fran Townsend (CNN) or Jay Carney and Stephanie Cutter? Me, I'm probably going to have to go with the former group (all of them having pointed out that the administration knew well within 24 hours that this was a terrorist attack and NOT some spontaneous reaction to that schmuckley video), thank you very much.


  1. Yes, it was known within hours that it was a terrorist attack, and all over the news. Any claims by the Obama administration after this point that it was not were lies.... and there were many such claims.

    This incident proved how really awful Obama was, and how he hates the basic human rights protected by the Bill of Rights (referring to how he showed deep contempt for the First Amendment freedoms of the filmmaker).

  2. I would like to see both Rice and Carney testify under oath.

  3. Those ambassadors and their staff are clearly very brave, my friend.

  4. BB-Idaho, the issue is the lack of integrity shown by the Obama Administration. It is still looking for somebody to through under the bus. Oh, that's right, they think they might have found their man, er woman.

  5. You are correct. Our Ambassadors are certainly a brave bunch given the currant times and dangers.

  6. BB Idaho and Les, I think that if the administration had simply come out and said, "We don't know exactly what happened but, yes, we're investigating", that would have been not only fine but appropriate. But when they said, multiple days after they thoroughly knew better, that it was a "spontaneous reaction to the video", that was bad, amateurish, and deceptive....And shame on Stephanie Cutter for her comments as well.

  7. And they also used this occasion to vent deep hatred for our First Amendment protections.


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