Friday, September 28, 2012

On How I Would Like to Remember John McCain

Him, not just standing up to Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton but to douche-bags Robertson and Falwell, too.


  1. I still think he was the better choice for President in 2008. He'd have concentrated on getting the economy back on track, instead of Obama's priority (the ill-conceived plan that damages the healthcare of Americas while taxing them to hell and putting more control over our lives in the rulers hands).

    And Biden has turned out to be at least as dimwitted and gaffy as everyone imagined Palin to be.

    And now in the news, Obama wants to give a half-a-billion dollar gift to terrorists in Egypt. I would hope to think that McCain would not be making such mistakes.

  2. I still think he was the better choice for the GOP in 2000 ...

  3. I felt very strongly so then, BB, and also in hindsight. I think he was in his prime then.... and 8 years later, he wasn't so much in his prime.

  4. I'm not going to speculate on this one, dmarks. I suspect that you're probably right (and, yes, I would have voted for him in 2000, too) but then I'd have to grant that maybe Gore would have been better than Bush and eventually that Henry Clay would have been better than Polk, ad infinitum. Hell, I can barely tolerate what's going on TODAY in politics.

  5. I remember when McCain was a maverick with fire in his belly. Sadly after "00" he became just a shell of what he once was. Today, it is time he retired.

  6. I think a lot of it was aging. He lost the energy.

    Yeah, he's a walking case for term limits.

  7. The saddest part for me was when he denied that he ever was a maverick. It was like, WHAT?


  8. God love John McCain,an american hero.....but long past his prime.

    Its time for him to retire,go back to Arizona and live off Cindy's Budweiser money.....and John,take Joe Lieberman and Miss Lindsey Graham with you.

  9. I'm telling you, if I had a wife who owned multiple beer distributorships and who looked like Cindy McCain, I would have been out of Washington YEARS AGO.

  10. Will, for these guy it's all about the feeling of having power that keeps them there.

    Long past their prime. It's called super ego...


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