Thursday, September 27, 2012

Ambrose Bierce - The Trey Parker of His Generation?

I've posted this comment before but, because of the idiocy of this year's Presidential campaign, I just had to do it again. I had to............."Conservative - a statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from a liberal, who wishes to replace then with others."............That does pretty much size it up, no?


  1. Well I guess one can't argue with the premise. Although, a principled conservative generally strives to stick which what is working while they consider new ideas and methods. As opposed to rushing headlong onto unproven and often ridiculous ideas.

  2. I don't think that Mr. Bierce would have had an issue with you, Les. You're open-minded, idiosyncratic, and civil, a man with an ideology but not an ideologue.

  3. As a conservative, but not someone who is a blind WD-like completely partisan twit, I find this pretty funny.

  4. .

    Your point is ........ ?

    Needed to win is 270.

    Ema Nymton

  5. The point in your case Ems is YOU have no point. Blunted and dulled years ago methinks... In my never to be humble view.

  6. Did anyone even bother to click on Ema's link, which is a leftist opinion site, best suited for finding out what the left thinks, not 'what is what' ?

  7. .

    Water flows down hill, no matter who pours it.


    Needed to win = 270.

    Ema Nymton

  8. You know what, I actually kind of like Ema. Yeah, she gives me shots but she isn't overly personal about it and I can live with that.............As for what was my point, dear Ema, it was simply that both sides are capable of stupidity and neither side has a monopoly on the truth. It was really just as simple as that.

  9. As a side-bar, Gregory Peck turned in a mesmerizing performance in portraying Mr. Bierce in the movie, "Old Gringo". It was probably his final stellar performance.


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