Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Your Chances of Being Audited By Income Level (Per CNN MONEY)

Wow, it looks as if Mr. Romney's chances of being audited were pretty good after all.


  1. Explains why I've never been audited.

  2. More proof that the system is rigged!

  3. Mitt Romney's return for 2010 was 204 pages in total,

    The Ann D. Romney Blind Trust 1041 tax return for 2010 was 83 pages in total,

    The Ann and Mitt Romney Family Trust 1041 tax return for 2010 was 81 pages in total,

    The W. Mitt Romney Blind Trust 1041 tax return for 2010 was 37 pages in total,

    The returns are reflective of a multi-millionaires tax return.

    The total page count and complexity of their returns vs the simple EZ1040 returns of many of the less wealthy returns, might have more influence on why the IRS decoded to check those complex returns more then a simple 2-3 page return.

    The more the wealth, the more the complexity of the return, the more scrutinity the return might warrant.

  4. A good argument for tax simplification, I think. Both sides have been talking about it and it would probably make us more competitive.

  5. Just convince the industry and lawyers who created all those pages and of course earn money from it, and of course the lobbyists they pay to not change the system,

    The very rich are not hurt by the complexity, they pay lobbyists to help them profit form the very same complexity they show in their forms. The very small sums(relative to their total wealth) is just another cost to them of business as usual. So do not expect much help from the rich or the lobbyists they fund either.

    Good luck changing congress with all the lobbyists who are funded to not change the system and even funded to make it more complex and obscure.

  6. Big business and big government are flat-out in bed together and I would just love to drop disinfectant from a plane all over that damn beltway.............Les, I stopped counting at a hundred Mississippies.

  7. Big business and big government are flat-out in bed together

    So it seems you are saying the systemic problems aren't as much a left right dichotomy as those who benefit very well from the current system vs the rest of us. Add to this the numerous ways they try to obfuscate the reality of what they are doing using both political parties, and of course, the MSM which they own for the most part.

  8. RN: a WD "check in" ? More like phoned in from Mars.

  9. Will: a hundred Mississippi's? Sounds familiar... oh wait, that is where Biden says he will campaign next.

  10. You nailed it again, Mordechai (wasn't there a famous pitcher in the early days of baseball named Mordechai?).............dmarks, perhaps they should just call it his Southern Strategy.

  11. If I were making guesses, I'd say that...

    Will has a 0.8% chance of an audit

    dmarks is probably also in the 0.8% range

    Less has a 1.0% chance of an audit

    W-Dervish has a 3.4% chance of an audit

  12. Sorry BB-Idaho and Mordechai, I don't know you well enough to hazard a guess.

  13. Will: Big business and big government are flat-out in bed together...

    Hush up Will... you're just phoning it in from Mars.

    dmarks: More proof that the system is rigged!

    Indeed it is dmarks. Hugely rigged. The figures from CNN Money that Will provided are very misleading. Mitt Romney is a member of a small group of people, so of course the percentage is higher. For all the other income groups the percentage chance is lower because the number of people in those groups is significantly larger.

  14. The Heathen Republican: If I were making guesses, I'd say that.

    Since you do not like my political views, my income must be zero. Of course it makes perfect sense.

  15. Will said: "dmarks, perhaps they should just call it his Southern Strategy."

    It being Biden and all, he will begin it with a campaign stop in the Great State of Manitoba. Or so that is what he will say when in Wyoming.

  16. wd makes some idiotic claim that rich people rarely get audited (he actually came up with the number 12 LOL) and then has the audacity to question other people's planetary credentials. Yeah, he's nuts.

  17. Will, remember that when it comes to figures like this, wd just lies and 'throws something out there'. Remember his claim that Romney outsourced more than Immelt? He admitted that he made that one up and he himself didn't remember hearing it anywhere.

  18. He should come up with a greatest hits (or in his case, misses) album.

  19. Will: wd makes some idiotic claim that rich people rarely get audited (he actually came up with the number 12 LOL)

    I did not "come up" with the number. It's from a report by IRS TRAC. Given the complexity of the returns of the wealthy, they should ALL be audited. The report shows the audits make money (so no cost to the government for the extra audits).

    I think you're both nuts... so in denial about many of the fundamental facts of our political and economic systems. Will acknowledges that big government and big business are in bed together (no, not literally, dmarks) but that in no way qualifies as any kind of "rigging". dmarks also acknowledges our crony capitalism problem, but says the system is definitely not rigged. So, how can something be a problem if it doesn't exist?

    dmarks: Will, remember that when it comes to figures like this, wd just lies and 'throws something out there'. Remember his claim that Romney outsourced more than Immelt? He admitted that he made that one up and he himself didn't remember hearing it anywhere.

    You are the one lying, as a guess is not a lie. Will asked who outsourced more than Immelt, and my response was only one word! I said "Romeny". I should have added a question mark, but because I didn't dmarks is convinced I "lied".

    It's only because I'm a progressive. If I were more to the right he'd have accepted my explaination and moved on. He often lies and says he doesn't do this: judge people more harshly based on what political party they belong to. Hahahahahaha!

  20. Will: His whopper on Bain and Immelt, in which he made a claim and then weaseled out of it without admitting that he lied in the open sun, surely is a great "miss".

  21. wd, you asserted that people making over 10 million a year rarely get audited. You were about as wrong as a human being can be and instead of simply admitting that, you frigging leave skid marks all over. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for you (like Marcus and my old buddy, Zukes), man.

  22. Will: wd, you asserted that people making over 10 million a year rarely get audited.

    They aren't.


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