Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Take Heed, Folks, All is Not Lost all of this is happening WITHOUT protectionism and WITHOUT high intensity unionization.


  1. That bounceback has been going on for the last few months. IMO, both political parties will take credit for it, but it is just the simple ebb and flow of global economics.

  2. You know something, BB Idaho, I would much rather have them argue over who gets the credit for something than who gets the blame. At least it gets us heading in the proper direction.

  3. I give Obama credit for this, as he has left existing free trade agreements in place and pushed for more.

  4. Happy to see silence from folks with ill-intentions and great ignorance concerning trade matters who want to cause complete chaos by cutting off free trade and causing a massive trade war where the casualties are jobs.

  5. No, all is not "lost". The plan to destroy the middle class is on track.

    Regarding dmarks' comment: the individual with ill-intentions and great ignorance concerning trade matters clearly isn't being silent... he gave Obama "credit" for going along with the plan to further enrich the plutocrats by driving down wages for working people.

    This is an area where I severely criticize the president, despite my "partisan stooge" tendencies.

  6. Manufacturing is coming back. We're exporting energy and food at higher levels. We have a humongous trade surplus in services. Come on, wd. These are positives here. Be happy for a minute.


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