Sunday, August 19, 2012

Politics 2012

Why don't these maniacs just put the clown makeup on and be done with it? Enough already! Sanity, please!


  1. Only one of the people pictured is a maniac. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you posted Joe Biden's picture in error, as he in no way could be considered a "maniac". He has my respect, that's for certain.

    1. Maniac maybe. Clown for certain "put ya'll back in chains" Joe ( Dufus) Biden is without a doubt.

      Respect? Well, I'll just say I respect his right to make an ass of himself. Which he exercises often. No wonder he is high on your list of respected collecivists wd.

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  2. "Rational": Clown for certain "put ya'll back in chains" Joe (Dufus) Biden is without a doubt.

    The "lamestream" media took that line out of context. What Biden said was, "Romney said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. [Romney says he would] Unchain Wall Street. He's going to put you all back in chains".

    In it's full context the line makes complete sense. He wasn't talking to a "predominately" black audience either. The comment had nothing to do with our country's prior enslavement of African Americans, it concerned Romney's desire to deregulate Wall Street... the very thing that caused the housing bubble and crash!

    We need MORE "chains" on Wall Street, not less. Less chains on Wall Street means more chains on us.

    "Rational": Respect? Well, I'll just say I respect his right to make an ass of himself. Which he exercises often.

    I can't think of one instance where he made an "ass" of himself. I was talking about my respect for his intelligence and speaking skills.

  3. WD said: "Romney said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. [Romney says he would]"

    I am interested in this. Do you have a source for this Romney quote?

  4. ", it concerned Romney's desire to deregulate Wall Street... the very thing that caused the housing bubble and crash!"

    And this is not true, as it ignores the main cause and "trigger' of the collapse: over-regulation. A government intrusion into the free market which ended up strongly encouraging banks to make bad loans. A situation which simply would not have occurred at all if there had been no regulation, and matters had been left to the free market. Because it makes no economic sense for a bank on its own to make loans to those who can't pay them back.

  5. And the Wikipedia article on the sub-prime collapse contains this quote on the start of it:

    "In 1996, HUD set a goal for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that at least 42% of the mortgages they purchase be issued to borrowers whose household income was below the median in their area. This target was increased to 50% in 2000 and 52% in 2005"

    There you have it. A Federal executive agency (Clinton administration at this time) putting forth a bad and unsustainable policy: the type of policy which encourages bad loans, instead of loaning on merit and ability to pay back.

  6. Don't tell me Biden promised a moon colony by the end of his second term!!


  7. It's certainly reassuring knowing that someone as intelligent,well spoken and ontop of his game like Joe Biden is a heartbeat away from the presidency.

    One can sleep easy knowing that if Obama smokes one too many Marlboro Reds and kicks the bucket,Joe Biden will be there to step in without missing a beat.

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  9. "Don't tell me Biden promised a moon colony by the end of his second term!!"

    BB: Yeah, he did. Thing is, it's Biden, you know. What is really happening is that he is getting a colonoscopy on Monday, but he could not get the words to come out right.

  10. dmarks: I am interested in this. Do you have a source for this Romney quote?

    I was quoting Joe Biden. Joe Biden said Romney said that. Try reading a little more closely.

    dmarks: ...this is not true, as it ignores the main cause and trigger of the collapse: over-regulation.

    I ignore it because it is untrue. The "main cause and trigger" was deregualtion that allowed banks to make bad loans and then sell them to financial institutions.

    dmarks: makes no economic sense for a bank on its own to make loans to those who can't pay them back.

    It does "make sense". They didn't care if the person taking out the loan might default because they weren't on the hook after they sold them.

    dmarks: And the Wikipedia article on the sub-prime collapse contains this quote...

    It also contains this quote...

    The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission reported in 2011 that Fannie & Freddie "contributed to the crisis, but were not a primary cause". GSE mortgage securities essentially maintained their value throughout the crisis and did not contribute to the significant financial firm losses that were central to the financial crisis. The GSEs participated in the expansion of subprime and other risky mortgages, but they followed rather than led Wall Street and other lenders into subprime lending.

    dmarks: HUD set a goal for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac [blah, blah, blah] there you have it.

    Actually, there you don't have it. The loans that went bad were mostly loans made by the private sector that F&F didn't buy.

    dmarks: Yeah, [Biden] did [promise a moon colony]. Thing is, it's Biden, you know.

    Caught you in a lie dmarks. Newt promised the moon colony and everyone knows it.

  11. Biden doesn't know what state he's in or even what century he's in. And he asked ma guy in wheelchair to stand up and take a bow. If Palin or Quayle had done any of this crap, Joy Behar would be snorting out punch-lines.

  12. And Biden didn't say, "us in chains", he said, "you'all in chains" and he added the word, BACK. The only people who've ever experienced chains in our history are Blacks and Native-Americans (prior to 1730, close to 40% OF SLAVES WERE INDIANS) and there weren't any Native-Americans in the audience.......To his credit, former Virginia Governor, Doug Wilder, took Mr. Biden to task for this disgusting comment.

  13. Wilder is a class act.

    Shame on WD for intentionally lying about what Biden said in order to somehow undo his gaffe.

  14. "In it's full context the line makes complete sense. He wasn't talking to a "predominately" black audience either. The comment had nothing to do with our country's prior enslavement of African Americans..."

    You know, WD, if you guys get to say something like "take our country back" has hidden meaning and racist undertones, how can you argue that "put ya'll back in chains" is harmless.

    Take off the ideological blinders. Your side isn't perfect and you'll have more credibility if you can acknowledge it once in awhile. News flash: the word chains comes with racial undertones.

  15. Exactly, HR; ya'll, back, and chains. And 48% (the percentage of blacks in the audience) is damn close enough.

  16. And I have to stand corrected. There actually were some white slaves early on (well prior to our Independence) on this continent. But they weren't treated as badly as the blacks and the number of them was quite small.

  17. dmarks: Shame on WD for intentionally lying about what Biden said in order to somehow undo his gaffe.

    Shame on dmarks for having the audicity to claim a direct quote equals a "lie". It's quite mendacious of him.

    I'm opposed to Romney putting the 99 percent in chains by unshackeling Wall Street and I refuse to apologize for that view. Also, regarding those who claim Biden was talking about Romeny actually bringing back slavery? I say THEY lack credibility.

    HR: ...if you guys get to say something like "take our country back" has hidden meaning and racist undertones, how can you argue that "put ya'll back in chains" is harmless.

    Context and intent. The meaning behind "taking our country back" is clear. The speakers mean, "from the black Kenyan who stole the presidency".

    HR: Your side isn't perfect and you'll have more credibility if you can acknowledge it once in awhile.

    I acknowledge it. "Credibility problem" solved.

  18. Will: The only people who've ever experienced chains in our history...

    He was referring to metaphorical chains. But you probably knew that... but don't want to acknowledge it because then you can't attack Biden for his "disgusting comment" that wasn't disgusting at all.

    What's truly disgusting is Romney's desire to deregulate Wall Street so they can steal from us more.

    dmarks: Shame on WD for intentionally lying about what Biden said in order to somehow undo his gaffe.

    Shame on dmarks for intentionally lying and attributing the moon colony promise to Biden when it was actually Newt who made it.

    As for Biden's words: I told the truth about them.

  19. WD said: "He's going to put you all back in chains"."

    Perfect example of you disliking what someone actually said, so you alter their quote to make it look better.

    Biden used the illiterate pseudo-word "yall".

    This is like when Gore made his big gaffe in which he took credit for the Internet. You got hung up on what you wish he said (at times even re-writing his words) instead of what he actually said, and you deny the fact that "invent" is a correct paraphrase of his "create" word.

  20. dmarks: Perfect example of you disliking what someone actually said, so you alter their quote to make it look better.

    Wow! That's pretty arrogant of you dmarks, to suggest that the way many people speak in the South means they are "illiterate". Also, your assertion that I "altered" what Biden said because I "dislike" it is FALSE. I'm from the North so I interperted "y'all" to mean "you all". Joe Biden was trying to identify with the crowd he was speaking to.

    dmarks: This is like when Gore made his big gaffe in which he took credit for the Internet.

    Al Gore made no gaffe in regards to his comment about the internet. He took credit for the legislation he sponsored that made the internet (as we know it today) possible. Snopes debunked your claim that he said he "invented" it. Snopes says FALSE. You're the one rewriting and denying.

    Snopes: Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.

  21. Gore did not use the word "invent". He used the word create. Either way it is not true: others invented it before he got on the scene.

    This is one that Snopes got wrong. Any thesaurus contradicts Snopes, as they list create along with invent. Using synonyms means it can be 'reasonably intepreted' that way.

    My source is Gore's quote. Even in your defense of his gaffe, you rewrote it, adding 'as we know it today'.

  22. Also, WD, you are lying about me and the Biden moon base thing. I was responding to BB's statement about Biden and a moon colony, not to anything Gingrich said. You goofed up.

  23. Of course it was metaphorical, wd (nobody thinks that the Republicans are actually going to put black people BACK in chains). But the way that he said it with that phony Southern drawl and the fact that he added "back" into it, it's patently obvious who he was talking to. Kudos to Governor Wilder for calling him out on it.

  24. Will: I would not be to sure 'nobody thinks' that. With WD's paranoia about plutocrats everywhere, that is not so far fetched at all.

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