Sunday, August 19, 2012

Barbarians Inside the Gate

Water-boarding is morally wrong and, no, Americans should have never participated in it. But I am significantly more bothered by the fact that some 100 or so other detainees apparently died while in U.S. custody. I think that there needs to be a thorough investigation and if it can be proven that any of these individuals died as a result of enhanced interrogation techniques by CIA officers, then those individuals need to be punished and severely (I'm thinking at least ten years in prison). It's bad enough that we have to fight these frigging barbarians. We sure as hell shouldn't have to morph into them ourselves.


  1. The spooks have eliminated the most compelling evidence...the old 'terminate with extreme prejudice' as applied to gaining


  2. Its widely known there was a severe outbreak of e coli within that population....mystery solved.

  3. 10 years per count equals a 1000 year prision term for bush. No time off for "good behavior" either. I'd be OK with that, so long as no future president pardons him.

    Rusty's clueless guess is ridiculous. Those detainees were beaten to death (murdered).


  4. Looks like WD's been beating something.....and maybe a bit too much.


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