Wednesday, August 29, 2012

On David Brooks

Liberals think that he's a conservative. Conservatives think that he's a liberal. Yeah, you better believe that I can identify with him.


  1. Brooks is really a very moderate conservative, and therefore rational and balanced in 99.99999999991% of the time. Don't always agree with him. Always appreciate his thoughtful views.

  2. And he's nuanced, something that the rest of the punditry class (save for a few others such as George Will) seems utterly incapable of these days.

  3. Brooks has a knack for being unprovocative. He also exhibits
    a rare intellectual curiosity beyond structure,
    child development, etc. while I
    like the guy, I cannot help but note that the extremes of both wings villify him (or anything

  4. I agree with every word that you just wrote, me-buck.

  5. I hardly know about him, and must have only read one or two columns, but I must have read one I didn't like much, leaving a bad impression of him.

    When I think of moderate pundits, I think of David Broder, but he is dead now.

  6. David Gergen and John Avlon on CNN both seem pretty moderate. And, yeah, I really liked Mr. Broder, too.


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