Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Major Beef With Bill O'Reilly?

Oh, that's an easy one. It's the fact that he's constantly putting himself not just above his guests but above the story, too. It's one of the cardinal sins of good journalism and the man commits it nightly.


  1. Will,O'Reilly does'nt bill himself as a journalist. He calls himself a commentator....big difference.

    If you notice when Shep Smith completes his show at 8:00 p.m.he makes note of the difference.I dont think you'll hear MSNBC strike that note.

  2. I have a great deal of respect for Shep Smith and I think that you know how I feel about MSNBC. wd surely does.

  3. I don't agree with O'Reilly often, and as that statement points out he is, as Rusty points out a commentator. He comments and expresses opinion, his. He does it by far better than say Hannity or Mathews.

  4. Being that the latter 2 (and I would also throw in Ed Schultz) are totally berserk, I would probably have to agree with you.


  5. What ever happened to that Olbermann guy?


  6. I've been watching a bit of the cable new's coverage of the convention and let me tell you this....If Romney/Ryan discovered a cure for cancer,built a perpetual motion machine or invented a combustion engine that ran on tap water the crew at MSNBC would denigrate it.Strange bunch of folks.

  7. And this is an outfit (NBC News) that used to employ Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Barbara Walters, and Tom Brokaw. Strange, and with a little bit of sadness, too.

  8. Will: I used to be a big fan of O'Reilly. I admit it, and kind of regret it now, as I now see things he did all along that I overlooked and don't now.

    What changed this was when this man who kept saying he was "looking out for you" and had no spin was caught sexually harassing one of his employees (the infamous "fallafel sex" incident). Not only did he prove himself a predator (not a person to have looking out for anyone!), he spun like crazy about it.


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