Thursday, August 2, 2012

Note to Harry Reid

An "unnamed source" has told me that you like to have sex with 5-year-olds, and that it was actually you who was behind 9/11 and not Mr. bin Laden....There, now prove me wrong.


  1. You don't think Romney should release any more tax returns? Romney could disprove these allegations easily. He's clearly hiding something. Something VERY bad. I think Harry Reid's allegations could very well be true.

    And, btw, you accuse Harry Reid of something you are quite guilty of. I'm talking about all the allegations you've made against me with no proof at all. What a hypocrite.

  2. My suspicion is that Romney probably paid a low percentage in taxes during certain years in which he took a loss on investments. Yeah, he should probably stop the bleeding and release another 8-10 years or so.......What allegations, wd; the fact that you wish that you had YOUR $10 an hour job back, that you're constantly coming across as bitter, greedy, and envious based upon the fact that you're constantly wanting more from others? Those allegations?......And if Mr. Romney did something that was very dad, wd, he'd probably be in prison and not running for the highest office in the land. Just a guess. "Very bad".

  3. There are also questions of information privacy laws being violated. At this point Reid's duty is to turn over his source for prosecution.

  4. Will said: "My suspicion is that Romney probably paid a low percentage in taxes during certain years in which he took a loss on investments"

    In which case he probably STILL paid millions, which is a lot more than the amount of tax money paid into the government by jealous people who wine about those like Romney "not paying their fair share".

  5. It would appear that Romney believes that wild speculation about his taxes are better for him and his election chances than the truth. Once again the truth is pushed aside for political gain.

  6. Yes, Will, I was referring to your lies about me. Things you state as fact about which you have absolutely no clue. And as for the "very bad" things Romney is hiding, I meant bad for him politically and you know it. It's pretty sad how Will can't stop lying but he accuses me of wanting "spinning" to be an olympic event and ignoring "facts" because I don't agree that Katherine Eban is a lying "political operative".

  7. An unnamed source just told me that Harry has been having an affair with Nancy Pelosi for a decade.

  8. An unnamed source noted that if Romney released his tax returns, he could prove Reid a liar....or

  9. It seems that everyone but me and perhaps BB-Idaho thinks Harry Reid is lying. Even Jerry uses the term "wild speculation"... but what if Romney is telling the truth? You don't think such a revelation would be bad for him politically?

    I seriously doubt Harry Reid would take such a chance. If it could be proven that he is lying he'd be destroyed. This leads me to believe he has solid sources for this info.

  10. If they were solid, he would reveal them.

  11. And if there is nothing to hid, why is Romney hiding his tax returns? He could easily put this whole thing behind him. It would be to his advantage to show that he has nothing to hid. Remember if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.

  12. How many tears of tax returns would satisfy you guys? If he releases four more years, you'll say it's not enough. Eight? Not enough.

    He isn't violating any laws and he didn't have to release what he did. If it's so important, let's pass a law that requires candidates to release a set number of returns. The election is too important to waste time on these non-issues.

  13. dmarks: If they were solid, he would reveal them.

    They asked him not to. Also, Romney can easily prove Harry Reid wrong by releasing his tax returns. He won't because he's hiding something really bad.

    Romney has a history of lying about his tax returns. He lied when he ran for governor of MA. He said he was a resident for the required 7 years. When the truth came out this claim was revealed to be false.

    Romney lied then and he's lying now.

    "Rational": wd, ha, ha, ha...

    Typical "Rational" gibberish.

  14. Who asked him not to, WD? That gets to the heart of the matter of Reid's hoax. How convenient for him.

    If this were real, Reid would not be so evasive.

  15. You've never heard of a journalist not revealing their sources? It's common for people who want to get the info out there not wanting to be identified for fear of reprisal. You're feigning ignorance of this fact for partisan wealthy-worshiping reasons.

  16. All I see is deflection and misdirection by conservatives. Just think what they would be saying if it was Obama who would not release his returns. Ha Ha Ha. Romney is sucking on a big turd with this one and it is so easy to make it all go away. How could he ever handle a touchy national or international situation? The man is inept.


    Late night thoughts.For whatever they might be worth.

  18. I DIDN'T know that you meant politically, wd. If in fact that IS what you meant, then I probably agree with you (like I said, he probably took a loss on some investments and paid a low % on some years). And I agree with you that he should probably release 8-10 more years. Rip it off, just like a band-aid.

  19. I DO, however, think that it was shabby for Senator Reid to bring up the dead father stuff. You really gotta stay away from that, I think (Jon Stewart apparently agrees with me).

  20. Romney/Reid; odd to see a couple of Mormons go at it.

  21. Well, there's the Beehive Boot; BYU versus Utah in football.

  22. "Romney/Reid; odd to see a couple of Mormons go at it."

    But I doubt very much that Joy Behar would make a "Mormon fire department" bigoted crack at Reid.

    Or if Behar will look at the number of homes Reid has (which is likely to be only one less than the number of houses Mitt Romney has, if it is even less at all) as "millions" of homes.

    Because she is one of those principle-free persons who does the unintelligent 'no critical mind' thing and looks only if there is a (D) or (R) after someone's name.

  23. dmarks: But I doubt very much that Joy Behar would make a "Mormon fire department" bigoted crack at Reid.

    Which proves that what she said was in no way "bigoted", because bigots don't exclude members of the group they despise from their slandering.

    dmarks: Or if Behar will look at the number of homes Reid has...

    The joke was funny because Romney is rich and greedy. He wants to cut the taxes of the wealthy and make everyone else pay for it. Harry Reid does not want to do this. He supports Obama's plan to keep taxes low for working people.

    dmarks: Because she is one of those principle-free persons who does the unintelligent... thing and looks only if there is a (D) or (R) after someone's name.

    This is how dmarks knows Harry Reid's claims are a "hoax". He saw a "D" after Reid's name. And it is also how dmarks knows Romney is telling the truth -- because he has an "R" after his name.

    As for Joy Behar, she does the intelligent thing and looks at the policies being proposed by the politician before criticizing him or her. She looked at Romney and saw that he's strongly pro-rich and, if elected president, would do everything in his power to help them out... to the detriment of the rest of us.

    This explains why dmarks admires Romney so much and dislikes Joy Behar.

  24. WD said: "Which proves that what she said was in no way "bigoted", because bigots don't exclude members of the group they despise from their slandering."

    There is absolutely no logic to what you just said. Bigots do exclude people like this.

    "The joke was funny because Romney is rich and greedy"

    How do you know he is greedy?

    "He supports Obama's plan to keep taxes low for working people."

    Obama's plan is for a massive tax increase on working people. The Obamacare tax is the 4th largest tax increase in history. He also is playing stupid class warfare games with the Bush-era tax cuts, proposing increasing them on some working people (instead of just leaving them alone).

    "This is how dmarks knows Harry Reid's claims are a hoax."

    Yes. Because Reid made an outlandish claim, and refuses to back it up with evidence. If it were real, he'd tell all.

    "He saw a "D" after Reid's name."

    No. Not at all. It is because I saw "refuses to give evidence" after his claims.

    "This explains why dmarks admires Romney so much and dislikes Joy Behar."

    No, I dislike her because she calls for arson, lies about how many houses people have, and is an (even if mild) religious bigot.

  25. I never knew that when the founders wrote, we the people, they were really referring to socialism....... Seriously, though, I can't conceive of how anybody who sees how the government wastes the money that it does (the GSA scandal, for instance) actually saying that bureaucrats exist strictly to serve the people and not themselves. It simply doesn't compute.

  26. I've heard from numerous sources and people in the know that WD spends countless hours scouring the net for kiddie porn and that his father has multiple charges against him for the exact thing...seems its in the gene's.

    WD needs to prove these rumors wrong or both his and his fathers reputations will forever be in question.

  27. Will: The attitude you describe is all part of a sheepish "don't question authority" attitude.

    That if those who hold power and rule say they are doing it for our own good, we must obey them and not question.

  28. dmarks: Bigots do exclude people like this.

    There is absolutely no logic to what you just said. You think it's plausible that a member of the KKK might have a black best friend?

    dmarks: How do you know he is greedy?

    Because he destroyed people's jobs and their lives as a vulture capitalist. And because he wants middle class Americans to pay for a large tax cut for himself and other rich folk like him.

    dmarks: Obama's plan is for a massive tax increase on working people.

    This is something you just made up and has zero basis in reality.

    dmarks: Obamacare tax is the 4th largest tax increase in history.

    This is a Republican talking point only believed by gullible fools. The tax only applies to people who choose not to purchase health care insurance. It will only apply to 2% or fewer of taxpayers, and even then they don't have to pay it, as there is no enforcement mechanism.

    dmarks: He also is playing... class warfare games with the Bush-era tax cuts, proposing increasing them on some [wealthy people]...

    Class warfare is what the rich do to the rest of us. They wage that warfare by sending their lobbyists to Washington and funding campaigns and PACs to bribe the politicians to lower their taxes... thus increasing the burden for the rest of us.

    dmarks: Because Reid made an outlandish claim, and refuses to back it up with evidence.

    His source asked him not to. Reporters use anonymous sources all the time. These people don't want to step forward for fear of reprisal. As for the evidence, it is Mitt Romney who is refusing to provide any. If he released his tax returns the truth could be determined in short order.

    dmarks: It is because I saw "refuses to give evidence" after his claims.

    Then why aren't you criticizing Mitt Romney? He is the one refusing to give evidence.

    dmarks: I dislike her because she calls for arson, lies about how many houses people have, and is [a] religious bigot.

    Then you should like her, or at least have no opinion... because none of what you just said is true.

    dmarks: The attitude you describe is... a sheepish "don't question authority" attitude.

    This describes your reaction to bush's illegal wars perfectly. dmarks buys bush's lies regarding the wars hook, line and sinker. He was very much a sheep in that regard.

    dmarks: That if those who hold power and rule say they are doing it for our own good, we must obey them and not question.

    Not at all. Our representatives usually don't say they are "doing it for our own good"... they listen to what we want and do that. That is why they are called representatives. If they do something we don't like we get rid of them and elect someone else. You really have no clue how democracy works, do you? This explains why you refer to "those who hold power". No politician in the US "holds power". They only serve as long as the voters allow them to.

    1. You are incorrect on all points. For example, lowering taxes does not increase the burden on anyone.

  29. Will: I never knew that when the founders wrote, we the people, they were really referring to socialism.

    Me neither. Do you have any proof to back up this claim? If you can provide a link to an article I'd be VERY interested in reading it.

    Will: I can't conceive of how anybody who sees how the government wastes the money... actually saying that bureaucrats exist strictly to serve the people and not themselves.

    The bureaucrats and politicians do exist strictly to serve the people and not themselves. Which isn't to say that what you describe doesn't happen. The solution is to pass and enforce laws to prevent that type of behavior, not to throw up our hands and surrender... that's what I can't conceive of anyone doing... unless they're wealthy worshipers who want to abdicate the power of "we the people" to the plutocrats.

    Rusty: I've heard from numerous sources [blah, blah, blah] kiddie porn...

    Why is it that Conservatives always go to kiddie porn first? Will accused Harry Reid of it. After reading Will's post I checked my email and found the most recent edition of the Glenn Beck newsletter... and guess what? You got it, Glenn says Harry Reid is a pedophile and has to prove the allegations wrong.

    I think it is quite telling that this is also the first thing that Rusty thinks up. Personally I think it's pretty sick to joke about kiddie porn.

    And btw dumbass, you can't "hear from numerous sources" things about a person when you don't even know who that person is. You don't know me, and you certainly don't know my father.

  30. dmarks: "Obama's plan is for a massive tax increase on working people."

    w-dervish: "This is something you just made up and has zero basis in reality."

    WD, you are the one ignoring reality. Just two examples should make the point: Obama raised the federal tax on cigarettes following his inauguration, directly affecting working people (however you want to define it).

    Second, the Affordable Care Act includes 21 tax increases, most of which will affect the poor and middle class disproportionately.

    Your choices now are to 1) ignore the above, 2) attack the sources to maintain your incorrect world view, or 3) acknowledge that Obama has raised taxes on more than just the rich. Which will you choose?

  31. "This is a Republican talking point only believed by gullible fools. The tax only applies to people who choose not to purchase health care insurance. It will only apply to 2% or fewer of taxpayers, and even then they don't have to pay it, as there is no enforcement mechanism."......Wrong, wd, the tax on Cadillac health insurance plans will tax a great many people in the middle class.

  32. An unnamed source has stated that WD operating under the alias "perquinn" has been investigated by state authorities in Tenn. of being involved in a kiddie porn ring.

  33. HR: ...acknowledge that Obama has raised taxes on more than just the rich. Which will you choose?

    None of the above. Your question is based on an incorrect assumption. I was responding to dmarks' claim that "Obamacare tax is the 4th largest tax increase in history". I've heard this Republican talking point, and it concerns the individual mandate. That is what I was referring to (nothing else).

    Of course there is a price tag on ObamaCare. Nothing is free. It needs to be paid for. Also, I took a look at your list of tax increases, and it does not appear to me that they affect the poor and middle class disproportionately.

    Will: Wrong, wd, the tax on Cadillac health insurance plans will tax a great many people in the middle class.

    What I said was right. I was referring to the individual mandate, which is what dmarks was talking about. dmarks claimed that ObamaCare results in "the 4th largest tax increase in history", and that claim is FALSE.

    Rusty is clearly obsessed with kiddie porn. I advise him to seek help for his addiction before he ends up in prison.

  34. O.K., so you're admitting that there is a huge tax increase on the middle class resulting from Obamacare and that Mr. Obama's pledge to not raise taxes on the middle class has been broken. Youza, we're finally getting somewhere.

  35. It is a fact that this tax is the 4th largest in history. It has nothing to do with. Republican talking points. In fact , Limbaugh said it was THE largest.

  36. Also WD is hypocritical condemning Rusty on supposed child sexual exploitation. Scott ritter has done this, and WD has lied about and defended the sex crimes for the sole reason that Saddam Hussein paid Ritter to tell lies about Iraq that he likes.

  37. Will: O.K., so you're admitting that there is a huge tax increase on the middle class resulting from Obamacare...

    I am not "admitting" that. There was a tax increase, but (for the middle class) it was not "huge".

    dmarks: It is a fact that this tax is the 4th largest in history. It has nothing to do with. Republican talking points. In fact, Limbaugh said it was THE largest.

    Both Rush Limbaugh and dmarks are lying. The Affordable Care Act comes in 10th place, and the majority of the tax increases apply to high income earners and insurance companies... not the middle class.

    dmarks: Also WD is hypocritical condemning Rusty on supposed child sexual exploitation.

    You are lying, since Rusty accused me.

    dmarks: Scott ritter has done this, and WD has lied about and defended the sex crimes

    You're lying again. [1] Scott Ritter was caught in a sting. The number of kids he sexually exploited is, in reality, zero. [2] I've never defended him regarding what he actually did, which has nothing to do with him telling the truth about the WMD Iraq did not have.

    dmarks: ...for the sole reason that Saddam Hussein paid Ritter to tell lies about Iraq that he likes.

    Saddam Hussein paid Scott Ritter $0. As for what Scott Ritter said about the WMD Iraq didn't have: I like it because it is the truth. This upsets dmarks because he prefers lies... at least when it comes to the WMD Iraq disposed of under IAEA supervision. dmarks likes those lies because those are the lies bush used to justify his illegal invasion.


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