Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miscellaneous 133

1) Here it is again, folks - "I understand that the frequency with which some individuals under investigation by our office have been purchasing firearms from your business has caused concerns for you." INDIVIDUALS UNDER INVESTIGATION, PURCHASING FIREARMS, HAS CAUSED CONCERN FOR YOU. Mr. Voth is acknowledging not just the illegal sales but the fact that these honest gun dealers were concerned about these purchases. To say that this asshole is in any way a credible source for an investigative piece is absurd (the gun dealers didn't want to sell to these straw dealers and this idiot, Voth, told them not to worry). Period.............2) Hey, I heard that wd is currently petitioning the Olympic Committee. He's trying to get them to approve spinning for liberal Democrats as a sanctioned event.............3) Best spice combination yet; cumin, fenugreek, onion, cardamom, ginger, star anise, and black pepper.............4) I was watching some House hearings on the GSA scandal recently and was informed that, despite the fact that they only have 1% of the federal workforce, they received 10% of the total bonuses that the government gave out last year (a $50,000 bonus to the idiot who concocted that $800,000 conference in Vegas). Yeah, I think that there might be some actual issues in that department.............5) We were clearly fighting barbarians in WW2. The question is, did we ourselves become barbarians, too?............6) One of the reasons that gas is going up again probably has to do with the ethanol mandate. Ethanol is made out of corn and the price of corn is skyrocketing. Thank you, central planners.


  1. Will: Hey, I heard that wd is currently petitioning the Olympic Committee. He's trying to get them to approve spinning for liberal Democrats as a sanctioned event.

    I have watched none of the olympics. I have zero interest in it. And you think ONLY "Liberal Democrats" spin? I think they probably spin a LOT less since the facts are usually on their side.

    And btw, it isn't "spinning" for someone to express an opinion that differs from yours.

  2. No, wd, I think that Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh spin like a mother every damned day.......No, expressing an opinion isn't spinning. But ignoring facts (as you've clearly done in the Fast and Furious and the Maddow smear on Walker) as you're doing so absolutely is.

  3. Will: As someone sitting in the middle, without a dog in the fight, so to speak, do you think that one side "spins a lot less" than the other? That there is such a fundamental difference between Hannity/etc and Maddow/etc ?

    Or is someone claiming this really just a matter of partisan bias causing them to say something that isn't true at all.

  4. Will: I think that Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh spin like a mother every damned day.

    Why are you slandering mothers?!

    Will: ...ignoring facts (as you've clearly done in the Fast and Furious and the Maddow smear on Walker) as you're doing so absolutely is.

    I'm not. You're ignoring the facts presented in Katherine Eban's article and instead launching unfounded ad hominem attacks against her.

    dmarks: Will: As someone sitting in the middle...

    Will isn't "in the middle". His blog clearly shows that he leans strongly to the right.

  5. She didn't present facts, wd. She took the word of a liar (this Voth bozo) and went with it. And she herself lied, too; saying that the ATF didn't have the resources to track these guns when the Stimulus bill alone gave them 10 million dollars just for that office (which also included funding for a data base).

  6. dmarks, Hannity and Maddow I see as about a tie. O'Reilly spins a little less than Schultz and Limbaugh is probably king. All unofficial, of course.

  7. Maddow MIGHT have been wrong on the issue you referred to. If so, it was a mistake. She is a commentator and not an investigative journalist, after all. But she does not lie like Hannity. And IMO the same goes for Ed Schultz. I don't watch him as much (so perhaps I'm missing something), but I don't know how the hell he can be equated to Limbaugh. That's ridiculous. Ed Schultz comes across as a good guy to me.

    As for the Fast and Furious "scandal", "Republican congressional investigators have concluded that five senior ATF officials... are collectively responsible for the failed Fast and Furious gun-tracking operation that was 'marred by missteps, poor judgments and inherently reckless strategy'".

    The five are William Newell (the special agent-in-charge in Phoenix), William McMahon (Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations and William Newell's boss), Mark Chait (Assistant director for field operations and William McMahon's supervisor), Deputy Director William Hoover, and Kenneth E. Melson (then acting ATF director).

    Holder is cleared and the White House is cleared. They were not involved.

    The "Voth bozo" isn't one of the five blamed. Also, note that they refer to this as a "gun tracking operation". I could be wrong, but it's my understanding that "gunwalking" is letting guns cross the border into Mexico, while "gun tracking" would involve letting the purchases take place, but making arrests before the guns crossed the border.

    I'd say that it appears as though I was right and Will was wrong. He said gunwalking and Voth. The official report (from the Republican controlled House) says otherwise.

    However, I'm sure Will is going to explain precisely how my stupidity led me to that incorrect conclusion.

  8. I never once implicated the President and I also said that I was willing to give Mr. Holder the benefit of the doubt (of course, that means that he was out to lunch and apparently didn't read his memos).......And I will gladly change my term from gun-walking to FAILED gun-tracking (over 2,000 of these guns ending up in Mexico however you wish to label it).......And I said that Limbaugh was probably the king, meaning that I put him worst.

  9. Will: of course, that means that he was out to lunch and apparently didn't read his memos...

    No, because, if you read the article I linked to you will find that most of the people they're holding responsible was for that reason. They weren't paying close enough attention. Eric Holder is the Attorney General of the entire United States. What happened involved ONE state. There were many layers of bureaucracy below him and THOSE were the people who were out to lunch and apparently didn't read their memos.

    Will: ...over 2,000 of these guns ending up in Mexico however you wish to label it.

    I wish to lable it accurately as a result of our weak gun laws. Guns laws that are weak due to intimidation and bribery of our elected officials by the greedy and evil gun manfacturers and their lobbying mouthpiece, the NRA.

  10. There were memos on Mr. Holder's desk which plainly referred to Operation Fast and Furious. He either didn't read the memos or he's lying.......And you're mixing 2 different issues here. I agree with you that we need more in terms of effective gun control (bringing back the assault weapons ban and getting rid of the gun show loophole - 2 things). But that's (alone) not what happened in Arizona. Those officials clearly allowed guns to be sold to straw purchasers; taping it and reassuring those concerned gun dealers that these guns would not be allowed to end up in the hands of criminals. They either lied or they failed. And I still think that allowing illegal gun sales without adequately tracking them constitutes gun-walking. A pig is a pig is a pig.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. WD said: "Guns laws that are weak due to intimidation and bribery of our elected officials by the greedy and evil gun manfacturers and their lobbying mouthpiece, the NRA."

    The NRA is actually an organization that protects a basic civil liberty. It has over four million members, very few of which are "evil gun manufacturers". It's a huge grassroots organiation. "Evil gun manufacturers" is a silly itself is a silly concept. Easy to expect with one like you who delights in ignorance of firearms and celebrates a phobiai involving them. It is like moaning about "evil car manufacturers" if there is a hit and run. No sorry, The gun manufacturers are evil. If anything is evil, it is people like you who despise the Bill of Rights. Multiple parts of it.

    It is like with the problem of you being hellbent on making it a crime to say things critical of politicians. If you don't like it, ignore what is said. And here, if you don't like guns, don't by one. All problems entirely solved.


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