Friday, July 13, 2012

To Whom it May Concern

Your local Starbucks is hiring -
  • Competitive pay
  • Insurance: medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, life, disability
  • Bonuses
  • Paid time off
  • Retirement savings plan
  • Equity in the form of Starbucks stock and discounted stock purchase plan
  • Adoption assistance
  • Domestic partner benefits
  • Emergency financial aid
  • Referral and support resources for child and eldercare
  • A free pound of coffee every week............Wow, that doesn't sound all too pitiful, now does it? Of course, you also gotta be willing to work and not be such a whiny, sniveling little malcontent. That much Starbucks folks do expect of their workers.


  1. Fair pay. Lots of benefits. Without unions.

    1. Starbucks, a model employer. Sadly history shows that not all employers are so enlightened.

    2. Are you playing devils advocate, RN?

  2. Quite remarkable..all that even for
    part-time workers. Never been in one of their places, but admire a company which actually makes their
    mission statement
    public...and lives up to it.

  3. Isn't Starbucks someplace only a loser would work?

  4. 50 cent refills, too, BB Idaho (not that I particularly care for their coffee, mind you, but their Tazo Tea is excellent).

  5. And while enjoying your tea you can feel good about yourself imagining how superior you are to all the losers who work there.

  6. WD....since the begining of time...since cavemen threw rocks,there have been winners and losers.

    The question becomes...what do you want to be? Do you want to be one of the winners.....or would you rather wear the paper hat at the fry station....the choice is yours my friend.

  7. Like I said, wd, they're taking applications.

    1. And they might pay for some needed proctology clinic visits.

  8. Sounds right up WD's alley. Or up something of his, anyway.

  9. My opinion on Obamacare..
    Now let me get this straight and please correct me if I’m wrong. . . ..
    We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and
    fined if we don't!
    Which, purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents,
    written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it,
    passed by a Congress that didn't read it and told us to vote for it so that we could read it,(and then went ahead and exempted themselves from it),
    and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any
    benefits take effect, by a congress which has
    already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by an obese surgeon general and financed by a country that's broke!!

    What the hell could possibly go wrong?

  10. Coffee smells bad. Vile stuff. I certainly wouldn't want to work with it all day long.

  11. This is one place where WD bashes workers. The Starbucks workers work and earn a fair wage, and he calls them "losers".

    It's probably because they earn a fair wage equal to the value of their work.

    1) Starbucks workers, unlike UAW members, are not forced into unions against their will.

    2) The real value of their work is well above minimum wage. If it were below, he'd be demanding that the Starbucks company give these workers an unearned handout.

    3) Starbucks workers are known for doing their job, not whining for undeserved money.

    4) Starbucks workers are thousands of dollars richer than otherwise because they aren't forced to pay union dues against their wishes and interest. They keep more of their own money, instead of wasting it on political groups. That must also make them "losers" according to WD.

    Given WD's attitude toward workers, especially those at Starbucks, I would not blame a barrista if one of them spit in his coffee before he/she served it.

    But Starbucks workers are rather unlike UAW thugs being paid $65 an hour to do shoddy work while drunk and stoned, so they are professionals and would not do that.


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