Friday, July 13, 2012

Senator Barack Obama - February 10, 2007

"The cynics, and the lobbyists, and the special interests who've turned our government into a game only they can afford to play. They write the checks and you get stuck with the bills, they get the access while you get to write a letter; they think they own the government, but we're here to take it back. The time for that politics is over. It's time to turn the page."............Wow, I guess that now PRESIDENT Obama doesn't think that General Electric is any sort of "special interest", or that it engages in any sort of "lobbying" down there in D.C.............................................................................................P.S. A few additional facts here (courtesy of and the Center for Responsive Politics). a) G.E. donations favored Obama over John McCain by nearly 5:1.......b) G.E. spends more on lobbying that any other corporation in America (and, yes, both parties have benefited over the years).......c) G.E. has benefited from a great number of President Obama's initiatives; health-care reform, climate-change regulation/green jobs, embryonic stem-cell research, infrastructure spending, electrical transmission smart grids, and communications (the last of which has obviously paid President Obama back in spades - yes, I'm referring here to that famed cable "news" station, MSNBC) - just to name a few....... And then of course there's that Jeffrey Immelt....


  1. Some of what you list is outright corporate welfare, which should be immediately limited entirely.

  2. And talk about out-sourcing, who in the hell has done more of that than this Jeffrey Immelt?

  3. Never trust a man whose last name was lifted from Margaret Hamilton movie dialogue.

  4. Will: And talk about out-sourcing, who in the hell has done more of that than this Jeffrey Immelt?

    Mitt Romney.

  5. How many more jobs did Romney outsource compared to Immelt?

  6. Wow! Even dmarks agrees with me... he just wants to know how many more.

  7. Well, not yet. You made a very specific claim. I'd like to see the numbers to back it up.

    1) the number of jobs Romney outsourced
    2) the number of jobs Immelt outsourced.

    If you can back this up, I will agree with you.

    "he just wants to know how many more."

    This number could in fact be a negative number. Again, let's see something to back up your claim that Romney has outsourced more than Immelt.

    It would also be interesting to toss into the mix the number of jobs Obama has outsourced (considering such matters as how many jobs the auto industry companies he bailed out have created in other countries since he took them over).

  8., Politifact, and the Fact Checker (Washington Post) have all been exceedingly critical of Mr. Obama's advertisements on this. And, yes, I'd like to see the actual numbers, too.

  9. Looks like you'll have to vote for Romney (or Johnson) due to your disgust with Barack Obama "lying". Although I imagine you'd both cheer if it were Romney who outsourced the most. Due to your hatred of the American workers you think are losers.

  10. If it were Romney, WD? You mean you said he outsourced more without any regard to whether or not he did??

  11. Right now, if the election were held today, I'd vote for Johnson.......And I respect American workers. I just don't respect some at the expense of others.

  12. Will: And I respect American workers.

    Baloney. It depends on how much they make. Too little and they're "losers". Too much for the type of work (in your opinion) and you also disapprove (I'm referring to your insulting comments about work a monkey could do). Also a union job where the union has done a good job negotiating for higher pay... I doubt you respect them either.

    Will: I just don't respect some at the expense of others.

    This is a BS argument. Whether or not you support tariffs some workers are going to be hurt... I support the policy that hurts the least number of workers (and using tariffs to protect American jobs helps FAR more workers than it hurts).

    Will:, Politifact, and the Fact Checker (Washington Post) have all been exceedingly critical of Mr. Obama's advertisements on this.

    I don't know what you're talking about in regards to the Washington Post... they're one of the publications that reported on Mitt Romney's outsourcing.

    From Forbes: "[Romney] demanded, and failed to get, a retraction from The Washington Post after it reported that Bain Capital, while he was there, invested in companies that outsourced..."

    dmarks: If it were Romney, WD? You mean you said he outsourced more without any regard to whether or not he did??

    No. I just threw his name out there as someone who may have outsourced more. I don't think anyone has reported any specific numbers (of outsourced jobs).

    Also, regarding the number of jobs Barack Obama has outsourced... zero.

  13. More than zero, in actual fact. Since Obama took control of GM, they have hired more people... in China.

  14. wd, you have this thoroughly nauseating habit of trying to speak for other people. I know who I respect and who I don't respect, O.K.? I respect anybody who works hard and who takes pride in what they're doing. I work with a lot of CNAs making $10-12 an hour who I respect a great deal. And, yes, I work with some others in that same range who I don't respect at all. And you want to know why, wd? I don't respect them because they're just like you, a bunch of whiny little bitches who constantly complain about what other people make ("the OTs make 4 times what I make, waaaaa") and are always causing trouble. Those are the real losers, wd.............And your opinion on regressive import taxes (I refuse to call them tariffs anymore) is just that, your opinion. 90% of economists think that you're full of shit and that don't understand the global economy. And a chimpanzee CAN'T do simple assembly tasks?............You're not familiar with the Washington Post's Fact Checker? They gave one of Mr. Obama's outsourcing ads 4 Pinocchios. Not good.

  15. And what about all of those Finnish jobs that we've created, dmarks?

  16. Will, I wasn't "speaking for you", I was giving my opinion of how your words come across. In my opinion you clearly look down on many American workers. I think it's quite obvious based on your past statments.

    And you have this thoroughly nauseating habit of ascribing negative qualities to people who disagree with you politically. I'm talking about you saying you know people "just like me". You don't know me. I don't "constantly complain about what other people make".

    I speak of fairness. And regarding *MY* opinion and the "90 percent of economists" who disagree with *ME*... I've provided you the names of several economists who disagree... but you ignore this, lie about my record and say that *I* make a pro-tariff argument because I'm "full of shit". I think you're full of shit.

    Will: And a chimpanzee CAN'T do simple assembly tasks?

    This is the disrespect I was talking about. And what about the foreign workers you think should get these jobs? You're insulting them as well.

    dmarks: More than zero, in actual fact. Since Obama took control of GM, they have hired more people... in China.

    You're talking about something that never happened. Obama didn't "take control" of GM.

    1. Interesting. You missed the federal takeover of GM which even had Obama appointing his own underlings to run it for him. You are a few years behind. This is the biggest news in the auto industry of the past several years.

  17. I said 90%, wd, not 100%. Of course you're going to find people who think that you're right. You can literally find that on anything............."I don't 'constantly complain about what other people make'". LOL

  18. "I respect anybody who works hard and who takes pride in what they're doing". LOL.

  19. Come to where I work, wd. Come to where I work and try to find one person who says that I've ever treated them disrespectfully. Even the ones that I don't respect, I fake it 'cause I try and get along with everybody. This is just another example of you (a small and petty man) trying to say that you know more of what a person thinks than they do. Very sad.

  20. Will: I fake it 'cause I try and get along with everybody.

    Exactly as I earlier guessed. And you say you know more about what I think than I do ALL THE TIME. I say the economic policies I support have nothing to do with "greed and jealousy" but do you believe me and cut this shit out? No.

    It's like dmarks saying I'm "arrogant" for having an opinion. He has opinions but only mine are "arrogant". Almost everyone who comments here is a small and petty hypocrite, so you'd think (if I'm one too), that I'd fit right in.

  21. I didn't "miss" the federal takeover of GM because it never happened. I heard GM got a loan from the federal government though. If I'm a few years behind on dmarks' imagainary history... that's OK with me... I only follow actual history. Things that really happened as opposed to things dmarks only imagined happened.

    1. The takeover was real. Just because WD is ignorant and proud of it does not mean nothing happened.

      Such as Obama directly appointing the GM ceo as part of the takeover. I follow the auto industry: excuse me for being informed about it and having contempt for WD ignoring the past few years.

  22. Will: You're always wanting, wd.

    Wanting dmarks to stop lying? Nah, that would be a complete waste of time. He thinks he's "informed" but he's one of the most misinformed individuals I've ever encountered.

  23. Not here. Not ever. You proved this again by denying one of the major business events of the past few years, the government takeover of GM, ever happened. You really blew it on this one. But you do that all the time.

  24. "Right now, if the election were held today, I'd vote for Johnson.......And I respect American workers. I just don't respect some at the expense of others.

    And it's always been clear that you, Will, want workers to be paid a fair wage.


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