Monday, July 30, 2012

On Massachusetts Governor, Deval Patrick, Also Defending Bain

What, you're going to tell me that he's a conservative now?


  1. He's not a Conservative, he's a politician. Few have the courage to speak out against the power of big money. As for Bain, I think what they do should be outlawed. If people want to put their money on the line (and be held responsible for a bankruptcy) that's fine... but to load a company up with debt and then walk away with millions in profits? That's wrong and we should not allow it.

  2. Exactly what companies did Bain do that to? Or is this yet another case of WD said it so its fact.

  3. And then you have people like Obama who speak out against big corporations but then craft legislation to benefit them.

  4. The hypocrisy is becoming so tiring... The Democratic party should be renamed the Demo-hypocritical Party.


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