Monday, July 30, 2012

Note to Congresswoman Bachmann

I'm not SAYING that you're a complete and total idiot and a national disgrace. I'm just "asking questions".


  1. I used to think she was one of the partys novelty acts...kind of like the dems have Maxine Waters....I now think she has finally gone off the rails.

  2. The comparison to Ms. Waters is apt, Russ. And kudos to McCain for dressing her down on the floor of the Senate.

  3. Bernie Sanders is running just behind the "bat shit crazy" pack.If Grayson had'nt gotten bounced out on his ass he'd be leading.

  4. His Number One and Number Two? Well the two are indeed like something that should be flushed. The Senator from Pyongyang and his sidekick the failed rejected Congressman hated by his own district.


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