Sunday, July 22, 2012

On John Malkovich and Willem DaFoe

I'll take "Neither of those Two Fellows is Operating With a Full Deck" for a thousand, Alex.


  1. You're basing this on what? IMO people playing with full decks don't author blog posts accusing others of being crazy and then give no proof, examples, or reasons why the accusation is being made.

  2. a) It was a joke. b) They're 2 of my favorite actors. And, c) there's good crazy and bad crazy.

  3. Now you're walking back your lies by claiming it was a "joke"? dmarks sure as heck isn't going to buy your BS excuse...

    ...not if he has any integrity.... wait a minute, he does not... he'll probably say your "joke" was hilariously funny (despite it not being funny at all).

  4. WD trudges foward on his quest for relevance.....but,as usual falls short of success.

  5. Rusty: It is hard for him to walk when he has both feet in his mouth. Give him a break, dude!

  6. It was a joke similar to the one that David Letterman said to Julia Roberts (after she starred with Mr. Malkovich in "Mary Reilly") when he told her, "Now that guy scares me."

  7. And it was certainly funnier than "Mormon fire police"!

  8. Will: It was a joke similar to...

    A "joke", or a lie? Clearly a joke is a lie if dmarks doesn't like it and wants to attack the person making it. This explains his lame comment about me having both feet in my mouth... he knows I nailed him good regarding his hypocrisy.

  9. I have zero idea what you're talking about and that's probably a good thing.

  10. I'm talking about dmarks idiotically calling Joy Behar's joke about Mitt Romney's "millions of homes" a lie. Duh.

  11. A joke so bad and unobvious that WD had to explain it... and even he had no idea what he meant, because he kept coming up with a brand new explanation for it each time.

    Will: its fine that you have zero idea what WD is talking about. WD has zero idea what he is talking about also.

  12. dmarks has no idea what he's talking about, as his description of what I said is completely false. I didn't come up with new explanations every time.

    At least you admit you lied. You say Joy Behar's joke was "so bad and unobvious that WD had to explain it". You just used the correct word... "joke". Which means you lied before when you idiotically claimed Joy Behar lied.

    And I had to explain it due to your denseness (probably due to eating all that paste). I got the joke and laughed (like a normal person).

  13. Holy this momo for real?

    This jack off spends time defending someting an idiot like Joy Behar said?

    WD...and I'm not kidding here,establish a Pay Pal account and I'll contribute so you can hire an escort and get laid.Son,I mean really need to get a grip....I'm thinking maybe a live woman may be benefical to you mental health.

  14. It shouldn't cost much, Russ. He thinks that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is hot.

  15. Will: And if you put up an eBay listing offering a vintage Playboy magazine with a nude photo spread of Bella Abzug, you know that WD would be the only bidder.

  16. And WD, you said. "You just used the correct word... "joke". Which means you lied before when you idiotically claimed Joy Behar lied."

    I used the word "joke" because you had used it, as part of disproving the idea that it was a joke because you were doing such a bad job of explaining what the joke was (offering multiple explanations for it).

    I was humoring you. And there's a lot more humor in me humoring you than in Behar's combined call for arson, lie about how many houses Romney had, and mild but definite religious smear.

  17. dmarks: I used the word "joke" because you had used it, as part of disproving the idea that it was a joke...

    Back to your dumb lies I see. Clearly the biggest joke here is dmarks.

    Joy Behar never called for arson, lied about how many houses Romney has, or smeared his religion. I never offered multiple explainations of Joy Behar's joke. You're referring to things that never happened.

    I don't know who "Bella Abzug" is, or if this is even a real person.

    Also, if Rusty wants to send me money, I'm not opposed. He can use the email address located in my Blogger profile.

  18. I have presented the quotation where Behar did all 3. I can do it again: apparently you forgot.

  19. You never did that because this quotation doesn't exist. I did not forget -- I remember you took what she said and added things that were complete inventions of your imagination.

  20. I didn't add a thing: I only addressed her three specifc points.

  21. I'd have to go back and look, but you lied about her calling for arson (for one). There were several other lies, I believe.

  22. I didn't lie. She expressed her wish to the audience for Romney's house to burn. Arson is the only way for her audience to make her wishes effective.

  23. She did not wish Romney's house to burn. It was a hypothetical question: what would he do if [1] he got his wish for firemen to be let go [2] his house then caught on fire.

    And she never used the word arson. The idiotic conclusions you're drawing have nothing to do with her actual words.

    If you're going to take Joy Beyhar's words literally, then what about Will's words? Why no charges of him lying about John Malkovich and Willem DaFoe not operating with a full deck? Either he's lying or you agree with him... which is it?

  24. "She did not wish Romney's house to burn"

    Sorry, WD. I wonder if you picked your brain out and flung it this time instead of a booger?

    This is exactly what she said: "I’d like to see his house burn". Expressing her wish.

    "It was a hypothetical question: what would he do if [1] he got his wish for firemen to be let go [2] his house then caught on fire."

    That's all fine and good, WD, but it exists only in your imagination. She said nothing like this.

    "f you're going to take Joy Beyhar's words literally"

    How dare I consider what she said. How dare I !!!

    " Why no charges of him lying about John Malkovich and Willem DaFoe not operating with a full deck?"

    Because, it was rather mild compared to what Behar said.

    1) Will did not call for a tragedy to befall either Malkovich or DaFoe. Behar DID demand this for Romney.

    2) Will said something that meant they were a little crazy. Well all know what he meant, only a complete sh*thead would say otherwise. This is nothing like lying and claiming that someone had more than 1,500,000 houses.

    3) No where did Will bash Defoe or Malkovich for their faith, whatever it is. While Behar bashed Romney for his.

  25. And I actually kinda like those guys. Actors who are fascinating to watch, even in a bad movie.

  26. dmarks: This is exactly what she said: "I’d like to see his house burn". Expressing her wish.

    Nope. It was a joke and not to be taken literally.

    dmarks: That's all fine and good, WD, but it exists only in your imagination. She said nothing like this.

    That is exactly what she meant. Everyone but sh*theads knows this to be true.

    dmarks: How dare I consider what she said. How dare I !!!

    Yea. You're an a-hole.

    dmarks: While Behar bashed Romney for his [faith].

    That's all fine and good, dmarks, but this bashing of Romney for his religion exists only in your imagination. She said nothing like this.


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