Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Thought that we Already Bailed Out G.M.

The crappiest aspect of Obamacare would probably have to be that 40% excise tax on so-called Cadillac health plans. a) It's going to hit heavy a lot of those same middle-class individuals and businesses that the President claims that he's looking out for. b) The threshold for these plans will more than likely not keep up with the cost of them and therefore more and more individuals will be forced to pay this tax eventually. And c) Mr. Obama cut a nice little sweetheart deal with his union buddies and exempted them from having to pay the tax for five years.......................................................................................Look, I'm not necessarily opposed to Mr. Obama's overall approach here; the individual mandate, health exchanges, etc.. But when you penalize people to this extent (40 frigging percent!!) and also dole out these types of rank political favors, you're going to get excoriated for it.......So much for this fellow being a new type of politician.


  1. I guess in a perfect world you could get exactly what you want, but we don't live in a perfect world and politics is always involved. Compromise always leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but without compromise, nothing get done...the republican way.

  2. A less bad taste would have been nobody making under $200,000 having to pay this tax at all, or at least not 40%.

    1. Another way to soak the rich idiocy. Class warfare at its finest cloaked best.

      Time for golf and another fund raiser.

  3. And on this one he definitely IS hitting the middle-class.

    1. I think one of the worst things is the tax hike on medical equipment makers. The results: put foreign equipment makers at more of an advantage, cause the companies to fire some people, and cause them to raise prices... all undesirable.

  4. Yeah, that's another unintended consequence just waiting to happen.


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