Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Whistling Gay-Marriage Dixie

A lot of people think that President Obama may have hurt himself in states like Virginia and North Carolina with this whole gay-marriage issue. And, while he probably has to a certain extent, I really don't think that it has to be a permanent problem. I truly think that if the Obama folks stress MORE the fact that, while he himself now believes that gays should be allowed to marry, he also still believes that it should be left up to the states. States rights - it's still an extremely big thing down south and, if in fact that's the angle that administration uses, the damage in the end could very well be minimal.....................................................................................Another way that Mr. Obama could help himself in states like North Carolina and Virginia would be to approve the Keystone Pipeline in its entirety. Energy independence/procurement is a huge issue with many independents and if the President starts to show a real commitment in this regard, that will absolutely help him as well....And the fact that he's probably going to do it after the election anyway and, really, where in the hell is his base going to go?


  1. It likely won't matter what he does. There are bigger and infinitely more important issues working against him and reelection methinks.

  2. It's going to be close. It's going to be real close.

  3. Energy independence and the Keystone pipeline has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with one another. They want to pipe the oil down to the gulf, load it on tankers, and then sell it outside the US.

    Come on Will! You've been advocating in favor of this bad idea for awhile now... isn't it about time you learn the facts? Enough with the Conservative talking points!

  4. No, you're right, a lot of it in fact will go on the world market but perception is often reality with voters. Plus, having that as a source in the time of an emergency could also be sold as national security thing. Plus the potential jobs that it creates, etc..

  5. FDR and Lincoln would have.....No, Charlie, we purchase it.


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