Monday, June 11, 2012

Journalistic Triage, Anyone?

While Bill O'Reilly and Ed Schultz are busy doing political "commentary", Anderson Cooper has been covering the wholesale slaughter of defenseless women and children in Syria. It's good to see that we still have at least a few fair and non-agenda-driven professionals out there. Here's to hoping that it stays that way.


  1. LA Times article from 5/1/2012... Anderson Cooper ratings plunge as CNN scrapes decade lows. (excerpt) The news keeps getting worse for CNN, with April ratings that sunk to their worst levels in more than 10 years. The ill tidings for the No. 3 cable news network were led by the 10 p.m. airing of "Anderson Cooper 360", which slid 26% compared with the same period a year ago...

    FYI the BEST news/commentary program currently on the air is The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur.

  2. Uygur is only 'best' if you prefer one-sided propa... cough .. opinion journalism. He is not any sort of fair and non-agenda driven professional. He is all agenda and no standards, and within the bad group Will rightfully condemns in this well thought out post. A post only a "follow! Don't think!" hardcore partisan would dislike.

  3. I'm not a big fan of the Young Turks, either, dmarks. But I will give him credit in one respect. The man does criticize President Obama in his "commentary". That's not something that I see Mr.s Schultz and Sharpton do. Ever.

  4. So there is something to him, as opposed to coming across as an angry blogger shoved in front of a camera? Something more than, say, a Toure?

  5. Yeah, I'd give him the edge over that individual.

  6. Does anyone know whats happened to that Olbermann guy?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. He was a petty arrogant prima-donna who breezed right past the atrocities of people like Kim Jong Il and used the "worst person in the world" label for those who dared to trounce him in the ratings.... i.e. those who were a lot better at doing what he aspired to do. His career superiors.

    His big "sour grapes" act comes across like some local cruddy garage band at a bar that sings nothing but songs about how the Top 40 artists have no talent and really suck.

    With his poor performance and bizarre antics (including showing his 99%-class employees that he was a real 1%er!) having caused him to be kicked to the very bottom, I bet his list of "worst persons in the world" is now very very long.

  9. dmarks,stop pulling punches and tell how you really feel about Olbermann.

  10. I'd watch his show, but I don't want to double his Neilsen ratings, and I doubt I have a long enough string to connect from my tin can to the one he is holding as his outlet to the world in his latest broadcasting gig.

    If someone put earplugs in Olbermann's ears, he'd lose all of his listening audience.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Olbermann was the premier lefty new/commentary pundit on the air. He MADE MSNBC. The way they treated him was disgraceful. The brass there should have kissed his ass and begged him to stay. The same thing goes for the idiots who pushed him out the door at Current.

    And dmarks criticism of Cenk Uygur is completely and utterly meaningless. Will points out that he criticizes the Obama Administration, and dmarks reveals that he is utterly clueless when it comes to who the man really is.

    But, given what an extreme partisan dmarks is... this is hardly a surprise. If hypocrisy, arrogance and cluelessnes were war crimes, dmarks would be a Hitler.

  13. Could you at least come up with your own jokes, wd?

  14. If original humor were a war crime, WD would be George W. Bush.

  15. dmarks obviously screwed up his last comment, unintentionally complimenting me.

  16. No the worst thing I did was re-use the joke.

  17. So WD,in your humble opinion....both MSNBC and Current showed Keith Olbermann the door for no reason at all.It was'nt due to his penny ante whining about the smallest of was just due to the network heads having no balls.Does that pretty much some it up?


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