Monday, May 21, 2012

Dead-Weight Ringers

Sports can be an exceptionally cruel endeavor. I mean, just take a look at the people who have rings and those who don't. Kurt Rambis, the serviceable, hard-working, but ultimately limited former forward of the Lakers (circa, the '80s) has a total of four of them. John Stockton, Karl Malone, Elgin Baylor, Patrick Ewing, Steve Nash, Charles Barkley, and Reggie Miller (Hall of Famers or future Hall of Famers - all) - those fellows have a grand total of zero, ZERO. I mean, talk about a frigging unfair situation. Oh well, I guess that if in fact you're lucky enough to hitch your wagon to Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and James Worthy, in Rambis's case, or Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen in Steve Kerr's case (yet another individual of modest skills), some pretty decent shit is inexorably bound to happen.


  1. Are you suggesting that only the top two or three players on a team sport deserve a championship ring?

  2. An attempt at Socratic dialogue, Jerry? No, I obviously wasn't suggesting that.......I would however state that a team, just as is the case with every other enterprise, exemplifies a scenario in which not every member contributes to it equally OR should in fact be paid equally. So, no, in that more limited sense, not everyone does get a "trophy".

  3. But it is a team trophy...and they do get unequal pay. Salaries are more or less relative to their contribution. Furthermore, all-stars can't do it all by themselves or the Clippers and the Lakers would not be out of the playoffs.

  4. It is a team trophy but it was Jordan was holding that trophy to his head and not Steve Kerr. Yes, I understand that they do get paid unequally and I fully endorse that concept.

  5. Of course you endorse the concept of pay inequality! Conservatives realize that for a small minority to be grossly overpaid, the money has to be stolen from a large number of people beneath them.

  6. Yes, in many instances I do, wd. I think that Michael Jordan deserved a LOT more money than Steve Kerr and the manager at McDonald's deserves more than the fry and shake man. It's the way of the world, buddy, and it generally doesn't involve thievery.


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