Friday, April 6, 2012

Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell Being Too Much of a Hawk

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who's your all-time favorite black conservative?"


  1. Shaw, I consider Mr. Powell to be a (fellow) moderate. And, yes (except for his infamous UN speech), I admire that fellow a great deal, too.

  2. Will: Shaw, I consider Mr. Powell to be a (fellow) moderate.

    Yes. You're both Republicans.

  3. Swing and a big miss, wd. I'm a registered independent, pro-choice, who's career voting record is approximately 3:1 Democrat over Republican.

  4. You can't think of a single non-liberal African-American that you admire and respect? Seriously, you're that dogmatic?

  5. Huh? I gave a name. Did you miss it? But you didn't originally say "admire and respect".

    And regarding the "swing and miss", I say "home run".

  6. Favorite, I said. That generally constitutes a positive feeling. And the person that you gave is a character, not an actual human being.......A home run? You said that I was a Republican dude. I'm a registered Independent who rarely votes for Republicans. Wow, this must be part of your everyone gets a trophy from the government mindset.

  7. Don't need a trophy. God a job, a career, and a myriad of interests totally unrelated to politics. You keep the trophy, wd. You obviously need it more than I do.

  8. You could have fooled me. I'm not the one posting multiple blogs per day.

  9. What in the hell difference does it make how many posts that I do?

  10. The more posts per day you do, the less time you have for the myriad of other interests you claim to have. It's a logical conclusion.

    You win the trophy in that category, hands down.

  11. There is no evidence that Powell remains a Republican.

    At least since 2008, when he supported the leftist candidate.

  12. Perhaps Powell knew better? He knew that the "leftist candidate" would govern as a moderate? That, I believe, is your evidence that Powell is still a Republican (a moderate one, as Will pointed out).


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