Saturday, April 7, 2012

Can You Sat Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee?

I knew that ya' could.......Seriously, though, these two damned imbeciles should really do a show together. I'd watch...AND LAUGH!


  1. I'm OUTRAGED! Apparently Will feels the need to feel superior, so he writes a post taking low blows at Sarah Palin. Next thing you know he'll be calling her a "classless piece of excrement".

    If Voltron (or his "friend") voice their disapproval Will will have to thank him (or them) for his (or their) contribution.

  2. I believe that it was "worthless piece of excrement". Hopefully, I will never go quite that far.

  3. Alright, this post was a little over the top, I'll admit it. Fun, though.

  4. I was just wondering...are there pieces of excrement that are worth something? Maybe dinosaur crap?

  5. Fertilizer, no (Mrs. Palin must be of the non-organic variety)?

  6. I guess crap, organic or not, is still crap.

  7. I like Joy Behar. I watched a couple of episodes of her HLN show recently and it was quite good. I don't know what your beef is with her.

    Palin is an imbecile. Joy Behar is a smart woman.

  8. She's an Obama boot-licker, barely intelligible, and an orthodox thinker on steroids. I would rather watch the black squirrels in my back yard than that ignoramus. Screw her.

  9. I would rather watch tortoises fly than her, too.

  10. I think this is a case of "you like the people who say things you like".

  11. Will said "She's an Obama boot-licker, barely intelligible, and an orthodox thinker on steroids"

    And she acts like she's drunk.


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