Friday, April 27, 2012

Put THIS on the Roof of Your Car

  For all of my colleagues who want to rag on Romney for that admittedly boneheaded move of putting his dog on the roof of the car, allow me. The treatment of livestock on factory farms (some of the most brutal treatment of living creatures on the face of this earth) makes that little faux pas look like a frigging all expense paid trip to doggy nirvana. So, unless you're a vegetarian, or you plan from now on to only eat meat from non-factory farms, you just might want to stuff that smugness and self-righteous indignation - at least for a tad, O'm saying......................................................................................P.S. That being said, no, Mr. Romney clearly WASN'T thinking on that one. I'm just looking for some damn perspective, that's all.


  1. Will: you just might want to stuff that smugness and self-righteous indignation.

    Good idea. I suggest you follow it and stuff your vegan smugness. It's the job of government to regulate these factory farms (which I'm in favor of them doing), not the responsibility of consumers on limited budgets to pay more for their food.

    It's "doggy nirvana" to be strapped to the roof of a car? It only rates a "faux pas", and a little one at that?! I'm going to reject your "damn perspective" on this one Will.

    Way to jam two unrelated topics together and use that inanity to both condemn AND excuse Romney's despicable treatment of his family pet.

  2. Following your logic -- an individual murder is so bad when there is genocide going on in the world.

  3. Romney's culpability or lack thereof has nothing to do with my status as a vegetarian. What I eat is completely irrelevant to his actions.

    ~ Your Friendly Neighborhood Vegetarian.

  4. Sorry, wd, but you don't have to be rich to be vegan. That's a total bullshit copout. In fact, I probably spend less on food (as a percentage) now than I ever did. AND I'm contributing a lot less to man-made global-warming than you, too HA! AND not everybody who's criticizing Mr. Romney for this is on a limited budget. All of those angry booty-licking mother-fuckers over at MSNBC - I'd really like to see how many of them are contributing to this absolutely reviling practice. My suspicion is that they probably all are.

  5. Jerry, I'm not sure that I would equate Mr. Romney's dog on the roof incident with the cold-blooded murder of another human being. I mean, I know that you hate Republicans and all but that comparison seems harsh.............And neither one of us was there. To say de facto that this was some sort of heinous action is an assumption. I mean, the rest of the family was there, too, and they didn't try to stop it. Should they be vilified, too?............John, I was examining this from the moral consistency point of view. That's all.

  6. I was referring to the higher cost of meat from non-factory farms. I've never even seen any meat for sale that was specifically identified as such, and have no idea where I'd find it. But I don't eat very much meat.

    I seriously doubt your carbon footprint is less than mine... and WHY say "man-made global-warming" when you question whether or not it exists?

    As for these angry booty-licking mother-fuckers over at MSNBC... I'm unaware of ANY... so I say your statement is false.

    And I agree with John Myste... the two subjects are unrelated.

  7. I was not equating dog on roof with murder. I was simply using your logic.

  8. wd, I'm almost a total vegan (I do put a little dairy in my coffee and tea), drive a Nissan Sentra 4.7 miles (one-way) to work every day, and I literally recycle everything (hell, I even take some stuff from work home with me and recycle it on my own). Can you beat it?......As for mankind's contribution to global warming, it sure as hell ain't coming from me.

  9. I got the logic part, Jerry. I just didn't think that it was good analogy.

  10. Give me a great Rack of Lamb o a fine Filet Mignon, or fabulous pok loin any day of the weekjand I.m happy.

    Sorry Will, although m wife makes me eat veggies as well.

  11. At least you're not guilty of hypocrisy, Les; droning on and on about man-made global-warming and Mr. Romney's supposedly unpardonable sin.

  12. Will: ...droning on and on about man-made global-warming and Mr. Romney's supposedly unpardonable sin.

    The two topics are unrelated.

    As for Romney's unpardonable sin... you don't qualify for forgiveness if you never ask for it, or even acknowledge that you made a mistake.

    As a pet owner I'm outraged. Romney has no sense of what's right even when it comes to his own pets. This incident is in line with his comment about not caring for the very poor. The guy has serious empathy problems.

  13. They're related in that the left drones on and on about both of them.............And as an animal lover in general, I'm disgusted that, even knowing the horrors and abject cruelty of the factory farming system, you continue to eat this eat meat unapologetically. AND, being that (according to the U.N.'s own agricultural report) the livestock industry emits more man-made greenhouse gasses that all forms of transport COMBINED, you're a total frigging hypocrite in that regard, too.

  14. And you have zero proof that the dog suffered from this. Your bogus outrage is solely contingent upon Mr. Romney having an R in front of his damned name.......There, now go have another burger.

  15. Actually, reports of the dog suffering (and shitting all over the place) have come from Romney and his family. After all, they were the ones there.

    Do you shit your pants when you are happy and enjoying an experience?

  16. I don't know/care if the dog "suffered". I never claimed that he did. Dogs are social animals and want to be with their "packs". That is how I know for a fact that the dog didn't like it on the roof, despite Ann Romney's claim.

    And I can't have "another" burger, as it's probably been 5 years at least since I've eaten a hamburger. I said I don't eat much meat, but don't let that stop you from expressing your fake outrage.

    I get labeled a hypocrite ONLY because I criticized Romney for how he treated his dog, but "Rational" gets a pass (despite him eating FAR more meat than me)... what a load of crap.

    I've never purchased any of the meat items "Rational" lists.

  17. And, in regards to your support for free trade, how much more carbon do you think it takes to ship items here from foreign countries?? I'd bet it takes a hell of a lot more than if those items were manufactured here.

    Also, I strongly support full disclosure labeling for our food products, including a disclosure on meat items that say if the source is a factory farm.

  18. I pretty much agree with WD on food label disclosure. However, the "factory farm" label is tricky. Whether or not a farm is a "factory farm" is a subjective matter.

  19. Jerry asked "Do you shit your pants when you are happy and enjoying an experience?"

    Steve Jobs did that when he saw a sidewheeled motor scooter for the first time. I assume he was happy.

  20. Whether or not a farm is a "factory farm" is a subjective matter.

    You could make that same argument for abuse in general as you tie grandma to a tree and whip her.

  21. Yeah, John. Maybe she "deserves" it.

  22. Yeah, John. Maybe she "deserves" it.

  23. Jerry, dogs poop indiscriminately as far as I know. And what about the people who put their dogs in the back bed of a pickup truck? As least this dog was secured in.

  24. wd, I can assure you, my outrage over the treatment of of cows, pigs, and chickens on factory farms isn't even remotely fake. I'm a lifelong animal lover but also one with perspective.............As for Les and his habits, at least he doesn't drone on and on about global warming (the livestock industry emits a hell of a lot more man-made greenhouse gasses than simple transport) and/or get all frigging bent out of shape over what has now officially become THE stupidest campaign issue in my lifetime.

  25. Will,
    Are you seriously saying,

    1. Having diarrhea running down the sides of your car is the same as "pooping indiscriminately", and

    2. It is better to put your dog in a crate and tie it to the roof of your car instead of putting your dog in the back of your pickup?


  26. I personally wouldn't do either. But neither I think is anywhere near the real cruelty that goes on every day in this country that nobody ever talks about and nobody seems to care about.............And I've worked in health-related fields for over 30 years now and I've never once seen a documented case of fear induced diarrhea.

  27. The fact that you have never seen a documented case does not mean it doesn't happen. Have you ever heard of "being so scared you shit your pants"?

  28. Actually, I think that it happened to me once.


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