Friday, April 27, 2012

Diana Rigg ("On Her Majesty's Secret Service")

What would be my answer to the question, "So, who's your all-time favorite 'Bond Girl'?"


  1. Never met a Bond Girl I didn't like. Honor Blackman and Jane
    Seymour top my list.

  2. And I suppose that any list wouldn't be complete without Halle Berry, Jill Saint John, and Ursula Andress, too.

  3. I mentioned her because I thought you'd reject her (so I guess I failed in my goal). She played the character with the silly name of "Christmas Jones"... but I guess a lot of these "Bond Girls" had silly names.

  4. Halle Berry! My all time favorite. A women with looks, talent, an class.

    Did I mention a fabulous body?

  5. "Rational" Nation: Halle Berry! My all time favorite. A women with looks, talent, and class. Did I mention a fabulous body?

    What about her fabulous political opinions? Surely you've got to admire her for those.

    1. Even Berry, as fabulous as she is wd isn't perfect.

  6. Political opinions don't define a person, wd. They are only but an aspect.

  7. "Rational" Nation: Even Berry, as fabulous as she is wd isn't perfect.

    Apparently she's a bad driver and has made poor relationship choices. But who she supports for president would be one thing I'd say she has absolutely correct.

    As for Will's comment, I don't know why he wrote what he did (in response to my comment?) I just said I thought HB's political opinions are fabulous. I guess it's his way of disagreeing without criticizing her.

  8. Yes, Berry favors the progressive, left-wing candidate. So?

  9. dmarks: Yes, Berry favors the progressive, left-wing candidate.

    No, she favors Obama, the moderate Democrat. At least going by her T-shirt. If you have info regarding her favoring an actual progressive left-winger, please share. I'm interested.

  10. Measured from the center, Obama is a left-wing Democrat. He is only moderate compared to hard-left Democrats.

    That's the reality. Not your nutty redefining of everything based on your personal preference.

    Going by her t-shirt alone, she favors the leftist, progressive candidate.

    "If you have info regarding her favoring an actual progressive left-winger, please share. I'm interested."

    Her t-shirt has the man's name on it. There you go.

  11. I don't give a hoot what her political political leanings are, she's hot regardless.

  12. dmarks: Measured from the center, Obama is a left-wing Democrat.

    Actually, no. You're measuring from where you imagine the center to be. As someone on the Right, you imagine the center is closer to where you are... You're the one redefining where the center is based on your personal preference.

    "Rational" Nation: I don't give a hoot what her political political leanings are, she's hot regardless.

    What if she were a Communist?

  13. I wrote what I wrote, wd, because it looked like you were trying to seduce Les into some stupid-assed political debate over a topic hat was totally apolitical. It's all frigging about politics with you.

  14. WD: "As someone on the Right, you imagine the center is closer to where you are"

    Umm. no. You are making this up as you go. I have no illusions about where the center is, and how I am not in it. You are redefining things on the fly. You remind me those nuts I run into who call Bush a left-wing socialist.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What's with this nonsense about me making stuff up "as I go", or "on the fly"? I'm not doing any such thing.

    I think you have no idea where the center is... and I've thought this for quite awhile, and didn't just make it up "on the fly".

  17. Total silence from dmarks when I call him on his BS.

  18. Maybe Jerry was right. The "center" is wherever WE happen to be.

    1. Really? That makes no sense unless you're Mittens of Barry.


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