Monday, March 19, 2012

When Roberto Duran Punched Ken Buchanan in the Balls at the Tail-End of Their 1972 Title-Match

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what's the closest thing that you've ever seen to a riot breaking out at a sporting event?"


  1. I almost thought the post said Robert De Niro punched Pat Buchanan in the balls... but you're talking about two people I've never heard of.

    Two questions: Was Pat Buchanan wearing protection? Was Robert De Niro banned from boxing for life? (I'm guessing they were boxers).

  2. You've never heard of Roberto Duran, hands of stone?

  3. Hands of stone? Is that some kind of medical condition? No, I have not heard of someone who was boxing a few months after I was born.

    Sounds similar to when Mike Tyson bit the other boxer's ear. He should have been banned for life.

  4. "Sounds similar to when Mike Tyson bit the other boxer's ear. He should have been banned for life."......We're agreeing way too much lately, wd.

  5. Actually WD shortly after the incident with Buchanan De Niro was in fact banned from boxing.He tried his hand at acting,where he had a modicum of success.

    And Will,if you want to ban boxers for minor transgressions maybe you should watch pairs figure skating instead.

  6. Rusty: ...if you want to ban boxers for minor transgressions...

    Rupturing a competitor's balls or biting off his ear is a "minor transgression"?! In addition to be banned for life, Duran and Tyson should have been criminally charged, received a prison sentence, and lost everything after being sued by their victims.

  7. The little fat slow kid responds as expected.

  8. So, what you're saying is that big slender fast kids are violent cheaters? And you're also saying that describes you? Sounds likely to me, considering the fact you work in an industry that makes it's money cheating people out of their money. And it would not surprise me at all if you were violent.

  9. Never said slender fast kids are violent cheaters.What I said was I pegged you as the fat,slow, dufuss kid in school who always got picked last and who got the wedgies and swirlies...thats all.I doubt from your animus towards all things athletic I'm far from wrong.

    If you could,would you post some facts that the gaming industry cheats people out of their money.

  10. Russ/wd, I make a huge distinction between Roberto Duran's probably inadvertent low blow to Ken Buchanan and douche-bag Mike Tyson's obviously intentional assault (I do give the asshole some points for originality) on Evander Holyfield. I agree with wd that that episode should have gotten Mr. Tyson banned from the sport permanently.

  11. If you think about it Will Tysons Holyfield adventures pretty much did get him banned from boxing one way or another.

    Now,if you ever wanted to see a dirty fighter and a heavyweight at that check out Andrew Gulotta a big bruiser from Poland...his nickname was "The Foul Pole."

  12. WD: If you got the boxing match with Robert "Raging Bull" DeNiro and Pat "The Great Aryan Hope" Buchanan on pay per view, I might just pay to see it.

  13. Gulotta, Russ? Isn't he the fellow who got disqualified not once but twice versus Riddock Bowe? If so, then, yeah, that is one mega nasty mother effer.......Great nickname, though. LOL

  14. I liked Riddick Bowe better in the "Pitch Black" movie.


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