Sunday, March 18, 2012

Miscellaneous 121

1) For all of those people (myself included at times) who think that Fox News is blatantly biased, I ask you, compare the Bret Baier interview of Mitt Romney from several months ago to the Keith Olbermann interview of then candidate Obama from 2008 (yes, back when he was with MSNBC). Compare the two and then decide who the real propagandists and boot-lickers are. You just might be surprised, people.............2) Xavier has had one of the most bizarre seasons in NCAA basketball history. They started off the season 8-0 and had some pretty damned impressive victories (amongst their bigger victims were Georgia, Vanderbilt, Purdue, Butler, and Cincinnati) to get there. Then they had that big bench-clearing brawl against crosstown rival, Cincinnati, and, yes sir, right on cue, the wheels came totally off. They lost a bunch of games and it didn't look like they were even going to make the NCAA tournament. But then they went on a little run and proceeded to make the finals of the Atlantic 10 (probably the best of the non-BCS conferences in basketball) tournament, got that bid for the NCAA tournament and now they're in the frigging Sweet 16. I mean, talk about a God damned roller-coaster, people.............3) Boy, did that Alexandra Pelosi ever piss everybody off, huh? She does this one video in which rural white folks from Alabama and Mississippi look like total racists/rednecks. And then she follows that up with another video in which predominantly African-American welfare recipients look like total leechmeres/derelict bums. Not exactly seeking public office, evidently, this young Pelosi gal.............4) Say what you want about Scott Brown, folks. The guy at the very minimum is civil. I've personally seen quite a few of his interviews (the latest tonight on "Piers Morgan Tonight") up to this point and I have NEVER heard him say anything of a disrespectful nature. And the Senator actually wants to work with the other side! I mean, isn't that one fact alone refreshing? I myself don't live in Massachusetts but if in fact I did, I wouldn't any problem voting for the fellow.


  1. 1. So you think Fox News is in the Romney camp? I'm not sure of that. In any case, I didn't see either interviews and so cannot compare them.

    2. Zzzzzz

    3. I haven't heard about it.

    4. You'd vote for someone because their lack of being disrespectful is refresing... instead of voting for him because you agree with his stand on the issues? I find that troubling.

    Me, I'd be eager and pleased to be able to vote for Elizabeth Warren. If elected I predict she'll become my second favorite senator, behind Bernie Sanders.

    Truly a Warren victory would be a victory for ALL the people of the United States (and not just the residents of MA).

    I'm guessing you oppose her because she sticks up for the average American against your beloved corporations?

  2. I like Mr. Brown because he's a moderate who actually likes to work in a bipartisan manner. And do you really want 100 liberal Democratic Senators and 435 liberal Democratic Congresspersons?......As for Mrs. Warren, while I in no way doubt her sincerity, it sounds like she's doing little more than rehashing Hillary Clinton's "It Takes a Village" approach toward meddling in the private sector and it troubles me.......And, yes, I HAVE voted for people over the years who I didn't agree with (at least not completely) politically. I've voted for them because I admired their leadership, integrity, and/or open-mindedness. I think that a lot of people have voted this way.

  3. Will: Remember the working definition here: It is "propaganda" if it is facts that don't jibe with your personal ideology, and "opinion journalism" if you happen to agree with the person on TV.

  4. Will: I've voted for them because I admired their leadership, integrity, and/or open-mindedness. I think that a lot of people have voted this way.

    I don't believe any of these descriptors apply to Scott Brown. I think you like him because he's a moderate Republican like you.

    dmarks: It is "propaganda" if it is facts that don't jibe with your personal ideology, and "opinion journalism" if you happen to agree with the person on TV.

    I wouldn't agree with that at all. I say it's propaganda if the journalist is lying or deceiving in some manner. "Jibing with you personal ideology" has nothing to do with it.

    Apparently dmarks doesn't understand the difference between lying and sharing your opinion.

  5. I'm an independent, wd. And my overall voting record over the past 35+ years is probably around 60(D)/20(R)/20(I). If that makes me a "moderate Republican" in your eyes, then, yes, I'm a moderate Republican.

  6. I don't know if Ms. Maddow lies, wd (Olbermann did and I can prove it) but she does do a rather biased slant and omits a lot of information that a fair-minded individual wouldn't. In my perfect world of journalism, I would have somebody like Anderson Cooper moderate and let the likes of Maddow and Hannity duke it out in the court of public opinion (this, though, George Will versus E.J. Dionne would certainly signify a much higher tone).

  7. Will said: "(this, though, George Will versus E.J. Dionne would certainly signify a much higher tone"

    I agree. Both are awesome. The others are cartoons in comparison.

  8. I like David Brooks (a rarity in that he's an admitted moderate) and Tom Friedman, too. Always interesting.

  9. Will: If that makes me a "moderate Republican" in your eyes, then, yes, I'm a moderate Republican.

    You're in the Moderate Republican/Conservative Democrat area.

    And Olbermann doesn't lie. Perhaps he was mistaken and didn't issue a correction when he should have (and he'd get some demerits from me for that), but that doesn't amount to lying. You can't prove it.

  10. I'm sure Olbermann doesn't lie, now he is off the air*

  11. That's actually a pretty fair point, wd. The only problem (for you at least) is that, utilizing this identical criteria, you really can't "prove" that Sean Hannity is lying, either. I mean, if you can't enter into one person's head......

  12. Sean Hannity is a liar. Olbermann is still very much on the air. In fact, I'd say Current TV keeps getting better. Coming soon are new programs with Bill Press and Stephanie Miller. I'll have to DVR both of those, plus my new favorite The Young Turks. I think Current TV is better then MSNBC.

  13. How can you (given the strict parameters that you yourself have foisted here) you be certain that he's lying, and not simply mistaken? And why do you only listen to stuff that reinforces what you already believe? Don't you realize that the only way that the human brain develops is through cognitive dissonance and accommodation?

  14. I am glad that Current TV is getting better, as evidenced by the 50% of its viewing audience that has posted comments to this post.


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