Monday, March 5, 2012

On Rush Limbaugh's Apology

It's probably about as sincere as Ed Schultz's was when he called Laura Ingraham a "right-wing slut"/Keith Olbermann's was when he called Scott Brown an "irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against woman and against politicians with whom he disagrees (he later added 'sexist' to the rant)." Not extraordinarily, in other words.


  1. I'm gonna tell you,Rush shit in his mess kit on this one.But,this woman is'nt a young child,she's a 30 year old law student at Georgetown....a catholic school I might add.

    The dems scored a major win on this one,only because of Rush.They mannaged to turn a very good point,towards their side.And only because Rush decided to make sport of this woman,who other wise would never have been heard from.

    Was it stupid? of course it was.If it was me I would have frosted Ms.Flukes ass for being a mouth piece of the left.But,then again I'm just Ole Rusty trying to make a living here in Las Vegas so WD can get more free stuff.

  2. I hear ya'. The woman was smart enough to get into law school but she wasn't smart enough to figure out that a Jesuit university probably wasn't going to pay for her contraception? Yeah, huh?

  3. This post reminds me of Rush Limbaugh's "apology". Rush said the problem was he acted like a Democrat. Will can't simply address the issue at hand; he HAS to turn a comment on Rush's "apology" into an attack on Liberals. Un-frigging-believable.

    As for Will's comment about Ms. Fluke not being smart... what does her insurance have to do with where she goes to school? Yes, whomever you get your insurance through should pay their portion of the bill and not stick their noses into the details. It's none of their business.

    In regards to Rusty's comment... why does he think he knows things about me he couldn't possibly know? He thinks he knows these things because he is a typical self-centered selfish Conservative. Selfishness is so ingrained in their psyche that they assume everyone is just as selfish, Democrats included.

    So when they hear a Democrat advocating for programs that help the poor they naturally assume the Democrat in question MUST be personally benefiting from these programs. The fact is that Conservatives like Rusty simply have ZERO empathy. He probably doesn't even know what the word means.

  4. What's the "issue at hand", wd? That a Jesuit university should be forced to provide services that they find morally reprehensible? If this was such a humongous issue for the gal, then she should have either gone to different university or gotten insurance through a different means. There are a lot of difficult issues to ferret through these days. This just doesn't happen to be one of them.......As for Mr. Limbaugh, he's a dick and the only reason that he's apologizing is the only reason that Schultzie apologized; to save his frigging job.

  5. Will: What's the "issue at hand", wd? That a Jesuit university should be forced to provide services that they find morally reprehensible?

    No, that's not the issue... because it isn't happening. The issue is Rush's "apology". It's the title of your post!

    Nobody is forcing a Jesuit university to provide services they find morally reprehensible... unless they find insurance morally reprehensible. What people do with their insurance is a private matter. You don't believe in privacy?

    I find the whole "forcing" argument utterly ridiculous.

  6. You are absolutly correct WD.I have zero empathy for Ms.Fluke and her ilk.She is by no means poor,her family has means and shes a 30 year old "student" holding her hand out for what she feels is an entitlement.She's a shill put forth by Nancy Pelosi to take the spotlight off of Obamas attack on religious freedom.If Ms.Fluke was so concerned about getting free birth control all she had to do was knock on Planned Parenthoods door.

  7. Your logic is ridiculous, wd. As long as the religious institution is PROVIDING (as in paying for) the insurance, then, yes, they DO have a say in how the money is ultimately spent. And if Mrs. Fluke doesn't like it, then Mrs. Fluke either needs to transfer or go to a neighborhood clinic (there's a shitload of them in D.C. and a lot of them give out "free" birth control).

  8. Hey Will,is UConn begining a run similar to last years?
    If they beat the Orangemen????

  9. Wondering... What will be made of Maher's c**t and t**t comments with respect to Sarah Palin and his million dollar donation to the Obama super pac?


  10. Russ, this UConn team is infuriating. They have 3 McDonald's All-Americans, 4 other players that were ranked in the Rivals hot 100, and one of the best young players coming out of Europe in this Giffey kid. They shouldn't have lost more than 4-5 games this year. But, yeah, maybe they're peaking at just the right time again.............Les, if I had to guess, I'd say that Maher will continue to skate and that the money will be used up in no time. Same with Arianna Huffington and that disgraceful anti-Catholic screed that she allowed.

  11. I'm a big Bill Maher fan, but he's wrong when he says we should accept Rush's "apology"... sure, if it were genuine, but Rush has a long history of attacking women.

    As for Maher's comments about Palin... I think that word is demeaning to women and shouldn't be used, period. But, honestly, I am willing to let Bill Maher "skate". Why, because I don't particularly care about Sarah Palin being demeaned.

    Also, "the National Organization for Women (NOW) condemned earlier Maher comments on Palin, [and] Palin responded by saying, 'I need NOW like a fish needs a bicycle'". She isn't willing to accept NOW's condemnation? OK, then I say to Bill Maher -- use whatever words you want.

    I don't know what disgraceful anti-Catholic screed that Arianna Huffington "allowed".

    Regarding the birth control issue, I think your logic is ridiculous. I don't care who's paying, an individual's health care decisions are nobody else's business.

    What's a "McDonald's all American"? Someone who can scarf fast food on a professional level? Sounds like some kind of competitive eating award.

  12. WD is willing to let Maher "skate" because he is a liberal. This explains WD refusing to acknowledge Maher's statements that handicapped children shouldn't even be treated like human beings (something far worse than what Rush said).

    "So when they hear a Democrat advocating for programs that help the poor they naturally assume the Democrat in question MUST be personally benefiting from these programs"

    "Help the poor" being the cover-term for corrupt programs which expand the numbers of rich overpaid government employees while tossing just a few crumbs to the poor. It's all about the ruling class helping themselves instead of helping the poor.

  13. dmarks: This explains WD refusing to acknowledge Maher's statements that handicapped children shouldn't even be treated like human beings.

    I won't acknowledge it because it didn't happen. You made it up. It isn't a complete fabrication, since his actual words really were offensive, but you've twisted what he really said to make it much worse.

    Here's an idea: How about criticizing Maher for what he really said, instead of what you wish he said?

    As for the second half of your comment... I'm not going to say anything because what you said was far to ridiculous to warrant my wasting too much time with it.

  14. No, I referred to what he actually said. It did happen. I provided links to the transcripts and video. No amount of your lying and denial will cover up his public record. It's too late, the cat is out of the bag on Maher.

    "Here's an idea: How about criticizing Maher for what he really said, instead of what you wish he said?"

    I wish he had not said it. The world would be better off if this person was not a hateful monster. But he did say it, and no amount of wishing will undo this. Therefore, I stick to what he actually said.

    You really need to learn some English comprehension. In your world, someone saying that a group of people are like pet dogs is not dehumanizing at all, while paraphrasing the loser of the 2000 election's whopper about creating the internet using the "invent" word is a major transgression.

    "As for the second half of your comment... I'm not going to say anything because..."

    Because it is completely factual and you can't refute it. Poverty has even soared under Obama... as has the number of federal workers riding the gravy train with salaries in excess of $100,000 a year. You can see where the administration's priorities are.

  15. It did not happen. *I* linked to the video. You're the one who is lying. I'm the one sticking with what he actually said.

    As for the second part of your comment... it is total baloney.

  16. Al Gore never said he invented the internet. Snopes debunked it.

  17. Its been rumored that some of the females in WD's family were "McDonald's All Americans" in an entirely different physical activity.

  18. That isn't the rumor I heard. I can verify that rumor is false.

    The rumor I heard is that Rusty is one of those misogynistic backward religious fanatics that believe women shouldn't have sex until they're married, and then they should remain barefoot and pregnant until they hit menopause... and then (or possibly sooner) they should be discarded for a younger wife. Which explains why he idolizes Newt and Rush.

    Rusty likes the idea that women can be attracted to you for no other reason then your money. It might have something to do with the fact that he's shooting blanks just like Rush (and is as ugly as him too).

    But I don't know if any of that is true (although I suspect it is)... It's just a rumor I heard.

  19. wd - With your Palin comment you told us quite a lot about yourself. Your character anyway...

  20. "Rational" Nation: wd - With your Palin comment you told us quite a lot about yourself. Your character anyway...

    NOW tried to defend Palin, and she told them (essentially) to take a flying leap. Why the heck should I defend her when she clearly wouldn't want me to? Palin is an idiot. Bill Maher, while he says offensive things now and then, is a smart guy who I agree with 90 percent of the time.

    And I really don't give a damn about your opinion of my character, "Rational".

  21. NOW eventually did defend Mrs. Palin. But it only came about because they was brow-beaten into it, and it was tepid (one paragraph to defend Palin and the rest of it to blast conservatives) at best.......Face it, wd, Maher is every bit as much of a dirtbag as Limbaugh. They should BOTH be eviscerated/pilloried, in my opinion.

  22. I recently watched Bill Maher's new stand up special. Pretty funny stuff. Bill Maher rules.

  23. Wright rules. Maher's a bigot who thinks hatred and saying vicious things about defenseless people is funny. In this Maher's little different from Limbaugh. But you won't find me defending Limbaugh or being counted among the mindless uncritical fans as you are for Maher.

  24. dmarks, I actually kind of liked Maher 10-15 years ago - you know, back when he was more of a maverick/independent. Now, though, yeah, you're right - very excruciating to watch lately.

  25. dmarks: ...[I'm not] among the mindless uncritical fans as you are for Maher.

    I'm not a "mindless uncritical fan". I criticized him. I don't think he should have used that word in regards to Palin. I don't think he should have said what he did about mentally challenged children. I'm actually very mindful, in that I analyze his words in context and don't blow his words way out of proportion and attach meaning to his words that isn't there... like you do.

    I wrote a post analyzing the Rush/Maher comparison titled, "Rush Limbaugh's Disgusting Comments Regarding Sandra Fluke Versus Bill Maher Calling Sarah Palin The C-Word". The post can be viewed here.

    dmarks is, IMO, mindlessly critical of Bill Maher.

  26. Will: ...I actually kind of liked Maher 10-15 years ago - you know, back when he was more of a maverick/independent.

    I like him more now than 10-15 years ago.

  27. Well, of course, he's totally in your camp now.


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