Thursday, March 1, 2012

On Rick Santorum

I have no use for Rick Santorum. I find him to be a jerk, an anti-intellectual, a homophobe, and a borderline zealot. But I will not drink the hate-filled elixir of the far-left and compare the fellow to Hitler, the Taliban, etc.. I won't, and I will continue to ridicule the people who do. Period.


  1. Who on the Left compared him to Hitler? Please provide a link or cite the Liberal and where you heard him/her say it.

    Also, what is this "hate-filled elixir"? I don't have any hate for him. I agree with how you described him.

  2. I googled Santorum and Hitler. Instead of finding leftists comparing him to Hitler, I found Santorum himself equating Obama with Hitler.

    It was totally lame and clueless when leftists equated Bush with Hitler in any way. It is equally as bad to do so to Obama.

  3. I will also point out that the "far left", like the "far right", is not present in these discussions. No one cares what STORM, the CPUSA, and other far-left groups say about Santorum. You see, that is the actual far left. Not KOS, not HuffPo, not Media Matters.

    Perhaps you are confusing extremeness of "loudness" with extremeness of view. I prefer the term "hard left" and "hard right". While neither group is actually far- anything, they are angry, vociferous, and very defensive of their opinion and use a scorched-earth way of criticizing anyone not in their expected ideological mold narrow mold.

  4. In my experience, the far-left blogosphere has consistently referred to the right as the "Reich Wing" (one blogger named "Tomcat" even referred to Senator McCain as "mein fuhrer"). Being that Mr. Santorum is conservative in good standing with the right, I'm sure that that label applies to him as well.

  5. He's a conservative in "good standing"? I thought (at least some) on the Right thought he wasn't that conservative... because he procured a lot of "pork" for his state (when he was in Congress). And (at least some) aren't happy that he's staying in the race, because he isn't a good general election candidate. There are some Republicans who believe in reproductive rights for women, or that women should at least be able to use contraceptives.

    Also, I don't have a problem with calling the Right-wing the "Reich-wing", depending on the context. It's effective hyperbole, IMO. If, for example, you were talking about a Republican who supports the Uganda "kill the gays" legislation, you could call that Republican "Reich-wing".

  6. I agree with dmarks. Nazi comparisons are far beyond the pale and shouldn't be used period. By either side.


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