Friday, March 2, 2012

On Andrew Breitbart's Death

I knew that there would ultimately be some conspiracy theories. I just didn't think that they'd come out prior to his damned carcass cooling........................................................................................P.S. I'm sure as hell glad that the SOB didn't have any footage of me in MY college days (correctomundo, Marcus?).


  1. Obama had him murdered. He stopped at a bar and was chatting with someone. That someone slipped something into his drink.

  2. LOL...that goes double for me. I wasn't much of a student...

  3. Your old buddy Clif the "war hero" was doing a tap dance at Kays place when Breitbart died,he sounded like his usual idiotic self.

  4. What's the address for that site, Russ. I'd love to check it out.

  5. I wasn't a fan, but it's sad for his family. I'm not personally sad, but I'm not happy either. Anyway, they had some guy he works with on the Young Turks (hosted by Cenk Uygur, the guy Rusty calls "skank")... and the associate said the "big" websites will continue on.

    So Breitbart is gone, but his associates will continue to deceptively edit videos and push their lies about the Left as aggressively as ever (I presume). I see no reason for tap dancing.

    This ends Shirley Sherrod's lawsuit against Breitbart... I'd have liked to see a judgment in her favor... but now that's not going to happen.

  6. I wasn't a fan, either. Batting .333, while it may be very good in baseball, is lousy in "journalism".

  7. Do you mean he was wrong about ACORN, wrong about Shirley Sherrod, but right about Anthony Weiner? If so, I'll agree with that. Although I'd use the word "lie". He wasn't wrong... he lied. And he helped destroy an organization (ACORN) that did a lot of good advocating for lower-income people.

  8. No, I just threw that figure out. And, yes, it's apparent now that either he or that fake pimp of his doctored the footage on ACORN. No question.

  9. Come on,if ACORN was'nt dirty they would have gotten their funding reinstated.Even the lefties in the house and senate to this day will not touch ACORN.No one wants that stench of their hands.

    As for Little Anthony Weiner,old Rusty called that one weeks before the MSM said a word about it.

  10. Hey Will,Kays blog is White Noise Insanity...she moderates all comments and Clif is considered the house sage....go figure.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Rusty, you're also "calling" ACORN and are dead wrong. ACORN was not "dirty".

    I'll have to check out this blog where they think Clif is a sage. It must be a place where a lot of smart people hang out.


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