Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thoughts From One "Moderate Extremist" About Another

I like Juan Williams. I do. I find him to be reasonable and about as nonpartisan as you can get these days. But I also think that the fellow takes a dive from time to time. Like on Hannity the other night. He had Mr. Hannity on the ropes when he quite correctly told the host that you really couldn't blame Mr. Obama for the heavy job losses during the first 6-8 months of his Presidency (this, in that they occurred prior to his programs being enacted and were probably the result of an inexorable downturn that no doubt would have also occurred under a President McCain). He had him there and then he let him off. Now, granted, perhaps Mr. Hannity's shouting of him down had a little something to do with it and all but, still, you gotta get your point across. You gotta........................................................................................P.S. I suppose that I'd be remiss here if I didn't include at least a mention of just how wickedly that the left has treated this guy, Mr. Williams; the fact that he's been called a traitor and an Uncle Tom, etc.. This and, yes, folks, all because the dude has had the unmitigated audacity to not feel the need to tow the party-line and to somehow think for himself (some blogger named "Kid" said that he didn't like Williams because he was friends with - yes, people, friends with - Clarence Thomas). Morning in America again? Yeah, right!


  1. "Mr. Williams; the fact that he's been called a traitor and an Uncle Tom"

    The "Uncle Tom" insult in this fashion from the Left is clearly racist. It's being used without any regard to its actual meaning, and is instead being used for strong non-Uncle Tom blacks who do not "toe the line" of expected (Stereotypical?) behavior. And yes Clarence Thomas has been a target of this racism as well.

  2. I never followed this story. I didn't know who Juan Williams was before, and don't care about his career now. I'd assume that how some Liberals view him might be similar to how some Conservatives view Michael Steele (who is now a commentator on MSNBC). Why not write a post about that Will????

    If you did would dmarks then comment about how criticisms of Michael Steele are racist?

    In regards to Clarence Thomas, my criticism of him is that he is corrupt and a sexual harasser. None of my criticisms have anything to do with him being black.

  3. If Steele makes a racist insult against someone, of course I will criticize it.

    I remember when Steele bashed Native Americans as "Injuns".

    As for your criticisms of Thomas, well done. It is possible, and common, to criticize Clarence Thomas without being racist. Too bad everyone doesn't do this 100% of the time.

  4. I think that I did write a post about Michael Steele. I'll try to find it.

  5. "The Great Black Colms" - pretty good title, huh?

  6. By the way, how about another MSNBC fixture at one time, Virg Bernero? The "angry mayor", a very liberal Democrat, caught in a very racist rant against Native Americans a couple of weeks ago?

    Google the "Chief Chicken Little" incident.

    Thankfully, he lost the governor's race in Michigan. Makes it harder for him to go all Andrew Jackson on the state's Indian tribes.

  7. In that post you say you almost feel sorry for him for having to go up against the Liberals on MSNBC. I was talking about how Republicans turned against him in his role as the RNC chairman.

    You know, like you're claiming the Left turning against Juan Williams. Liberals turning on their own (as you see it) versus Conservatives turning against their own.

    In both this post and the Michael Steele one you're slamming Liberals. That isn't what I was talking about at all.

  8. And in this post I also criticized Mr. Williams for not standing up more to the conservatives on Fox.............And I haven't heard about any conservatives slamming Mr. Steele. How can I write about something that I haven't witnessed?

  9. I remember that Limbaugh dust-up, BB Idaho. Didn't Mr. Steele eventually beg Limbaugh for forgiveness on that one? And as far as the Afghanistan thing, didn't Steele basically throw Mr. Obama under the bus regarding that?

  10. GOP Wins Only Intensify Criticism Of Michael Steele.

    I suspected Will only notices certain "wrongs" when they are committed by Liberals... guess he just confirmed I was right.

    The way I see it, the RNC said, "You got a black guy? We can elect a black guy too". Then they regretted it... but couldn't get rid of him because it would look bad. Which is why he didn't get a second term, and why he went to MSNBC instead of Fox after he was booted out.

    Notice that they've got a white guy in there again (while the Democrats have a Jewish woman)?

  11. I think we all realize WD has absolutly no intrest in any type of sports....I mean none at all.I for one find that just a bit odd.What could have caused his adversion to sports?

    Could WD have been the geeky kid that was always the first one out in dodgeball?

    Was WD the little fat kid that was the last one picked for baseball and then threw the ball like a girl....we all remember that kid.

    Or was WD the kid that brought the following letter to the 6th grade gym teacher?

    "Dear Mr.Woodcock,
    Please excuse our son WD from climbing the rope in gym class.Young WD not only suffers from a fear of heights,but also refuses to wear an athletic supporter.
    Jim and Marion Dervish"

  12. I think Rusty hit that nail right on the head.

  13. WD had said: "In regards to Clarence Thomas, my criticism of him is that he is corrupt and a sexual harasser."

    Surprising no one has mentioned the sexual harassment claims against Juan Williams. Or his idiotic statement about Muslims, which seem more suited to a redneck/hillbilly rather than any sort of media figure who has flown all over ahd has interviewed and dealt with a wide variety of people.

  14. I'm not exactly sure what you want from me, wd. The Republicans got rid of Mr. Steele because he was black? Is that really what you're asserting here? I thought that it was more because of his foot-in-the-mouth problem. I mean, that was certainly something that MSNBC chronicled on a nightly basis.

  15. Will asked: "The Republicans got rid of Mr. Steele because he was black? "

    The Dems bashed Steele for his skin color from day one. I remember the comments over at Shaw's blog. They also bashed Jindal because he was "colored" also.

  16. Will: I'm not exactly sure what you want from me

    Explain why you're defending Williams and bashing Democrats but refusing to defend Steele or go after his Republican critics.

    Will: The Republicans got rid of Mr. Steele because he was black? Is that really what you're asserting here?

    I think they gave him the job because he's black, but I don't know if they fired him for that reason.

    Will: I thought that it was more because of his foot-in-the-mouth problem.

    What about Juan Williams' foot-in-the-mouth problem? dmarks seems to think he has one. According to dmarks Juan Williams made a "idiotic statement about Muslims, which seem more suited to a redneck/hillbilly..."

    dmarks: The Dems bashed Steele for his skin color... I remember the comments over at Shaw's blog. They also bashed Jindal because he was "colored"...

    I call baloney on your accusation. There's no way you could "remember" comments that were never written.

    Rusty: I think we all realize WD has absolutly no interest in any type of sports...

    I didn't mention sports in this comment thread. What's your point? Are you trying to tell us you're a supporter of bullying? That wouldn't surprise me in the least.

  17. wd, I criticized Williams for not being more forceful on his Fox appearances. As for the comment on Muslims, I think that if you listen to the entire statement (kind of like with Shirley Sherrod), you'll find that it wasn't quite as bad as it initially sounded. It certainly wasn't any worse than some of the hideous anti-Muslim stuff that comes out of the mouth of one of your heroes, Bill Maher.............As for Mr. Steele being selected strictly for his skin color, I'm confused. Is that a good thing (affirmative action) or a bad thing (cynicism)? Going after Mr. Steele's critics? OK. Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. Happy?

  18. Will: OK. Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. Happy?

    No, because you said "The Left" treated Mr. Williams poorly, calling him a traitor and an Uncle Tom. I press you on Michael Steele and the only person you can think to criticize is Rush Limbaugh?

    I guess you just can't bring yourself to criticize "The Right" as easily as you criticize "The Left".

    In any case, I don't think everyone on "the left" feels exactly the same about Juan Williams, or has had the same criticisms (or defenses!) of the guy.

    FYI, an LA Times article says the incident (where Williams says he gets worried about Muslims on planes) was just the final straw. According to them, "the abrupt break came after years in which Williams' role at Fox News caused internal tension at the public radio organization. Many NPR listeners registered complaints about comments he made on the cable news channel, particularly remarks last year in which he described First Lady Michelle Obama as having “this Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress thing going” and saying she could become “an albatross”..."

    And then, as soon as NPR fires him, Fox hires him??? ...and signs him for a 2 million-3 year contract? Sounds suspicious to me (like there are other reasons I shouldn't like this guy). Why is it that you do?

    Also, the RNC and Affirmative Action? Yea, right! It was a PR thing, not affirmative action.

    I've never said Bill Maher was one of my heroes. We've done that here (listed heroes), and Bill Maher wasn't on my list. I disagree with him on this, and other issues. I'm still a fan though. You AREN'T?

  19. Your perceptions are your perception. I've been extremely critical of Gingrich, Romney, Barbour, Hannity, Limbaugh, and a number of other people on the right. And when I made my douchebag list I put 15 conservatives and and 11 liberals. If this isn't good enough for you, tough.............I've seen Mr. Williams on CSpan several times and he always comes across as fair and level-headed. Has he said some things in his life that were dumb? Of course, but, so, too, has President Obama and Vice President Biden. As for NPR firing him, screw that frigging echo chamber.


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