Thursday, February 9, 2012

On Roland Martin

Living proof that an African-America (a liberal one, at that) indeed CAN be a bigot (this in reference to his recent disgusting anti-gay "tweets").


  1. I thought you said CNN was the network where the talents were "real" reporters. Martin works at CNN. Perhaps Martin was just "reporting" his reaction to the Beckham underwear ad?

    btw, who asserted that African-Americans can't be homophobic (and LIBERAL ones at that!)? Who, exactly, are you rebutting with this post?

  2. Martin is a pundit who isn't given his own show to propagandize on. And CNN suspended him for the idiotic tweets.............I've know people who don't think that black people can ever be considered bigoted, period. I'm glad to know that you're not one of them.


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