Friday, February 24, 2012

On Me and President Obama

I've been accused in certain quarters of judging President Obama too harshly. I personally don't think that that's true. But let's just table that for a minute and allow me to defend the guy. During last night's CNN debate, Newt Gingrich made an absolutely outlandish charge. He said that President Obama was the most dangerous foreign policy President in U.S. history. It was a ridiculous statement and even an armchair historian like me knows that William McKinley, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard Nixon (the man suffered from textbook paranoia, for Christ), and George W. Bush were all FAR more reckless that President Obama. I mean, I know that Mr. Gingrich is prone to rank hyperbole and all but that was exceedingly repugnant, even for him.


  1. Depends on your perspective. Looking at it entirely from Gingrich's perceptive, which is I think that Obama is weak, his argument is valid.

    But I didn't hear the remarks so I admit to commenting blind.

    In any case I agree with your premise.

  2. As with Jimmy Carter Iran will show us if Obama is weak or strong.

  3. Frankly, Newt as a foreign policy president would be far more dangerous...

  4. Seeing that the Muslim's in Afghanistan are still,even after Obama's bended knee apology rioting and killing Americans because our soldiers burned a couple old Korans.Our president is going to ask each American over the age of 13 to write a short note of apology to the Afghan's.You'll be able to bring your personal letter to your nearest post office where it will be sent postage free to Afghanistan.As they say in Washington....allah be praised.

  5. So far, Russ, gentlemen, I would have to say that Mr. Obama is a hell of a lot more like Bush 2 than Jimmy Carter.......Whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen.

  6. Rusty: Some people look for any excuse to run about slavering like mad dogs and murdering innocent people. It might be burning books one day, an eclipse the next. Or even spoiled milk in the fridge. And the next thing you know, they run amok bellowing like Howard Dean, and won't be happy unless an innocent person or two lies dead at their hand by days end.

  7. Howard Dean getting enthusiastic at a rally doesn't make him supportive of killing innocents. This has got to be the craziest thing you've said here yet... and you've said some extremely crazy things. Forget to take your meds?

  8. I must have been right about dmarks forgetting to take his meds. He's too embarrassed to respond. Either that, or he's still off his meds. He keeps making nonsense comments about politicians stepping on churches or mosques.


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