Monday, January 30, 2012

Rusty, Is This You?

"Wasserman-Schultz is a sleazy big government thug clown puppet. With an IQ of a pine cone and the looks of a deranged drug addled homeless woman. This bitch ain't fooling anyone, except brain dead liberals who foam at the mouth when you mention the Constitution, and who march blindly along with the Democratic party no matter what, since they can't formulate an independent thought."


  1. Sorry Will,not me.But,I do agree she's a real piece of work.

    Its said that if you are having a salad at the congresional cafeteria and they run out of dressing you can just rub the lettuce in Debbie's hair.

  2. She's the gift that keeps on giving, isn't she?

  3. At least with Palin you can turn the damn sound down.

  4. "the looks of a deranged drug addled homeless woman"

    Vote for Gary Johnson, the candidate of brain-damaging drug abuse, and keep her more addled.

  5. She looks tough because she is"
    "I wanted to be able to not just stand up and say 'I'm a breast cancer survivor,' ... I wanted to find a gap and try to fill it,'' said Wasserman Schultz, who underwent seven major surgeries, including a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery while balancing motherhood, Congress and her roles as a chief fundraiser for House Democrats and popular political surrogate, first for Hillary Clinton and then, Barack Obama." IMO, much harder than
    shooting a moose....

  6. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz = beautiful and smart.

    I agree with BB-Idaho.

    Also, I find this post disgusting. Will makes fun of a woman for her looks, but tries to shift the blame to Rusty by phrasing his post title as a question. You're not fooling me Will. For shame.

  7. WD said...."Debbie Wasserman Schultz= beautiful and smart."

    WD,I think Pearl Vision has a BOGO special going.You may want to avail yourself.

  8. BB-Idaho, while people such as Wasserman-Schultz and Bachmann (an attempt on my part to be nonpartisan here) may be admirable humans in certain regards, I find their partisanship and divisive rhetoric quite deplorable. Give me a Lee Hamilton, Warren Rudman, or Sam Nunn any day.............Hey Russ, I'm still trying to figure out what wd finds funny. Other than that David Letterman joke about Alex Rodriguez knocking up one of Sarah Palin's daughters, he really hasn't given us much of a clue, now has he?

  9. No Will,I dont think WD has much of a sense of humor.I'd guess even the tried and tested fat guy slipping on a banana peel would go over his head.

    Could you imagine sitting at a bar having a beer with him? I think it would be on a par with getting a root canal.

    I cant conceive going through life without finding current america just a bit comical.

  10. Yeah, I'm sure that it would be inordinately painful - tax the rich being every other sentiment.


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