Sunday, January 29, 2012

Empire, Heal Thyself

There's this one issue that seems to unite liberals, progressives, moderates, and even some libertarian-leaning conservatives. And that's the issue of wasteful /unnecessary defense spending. These people (rightly, in my estimation) point specifically to the burgeoning military industrial complex, the crony capitalism that's now associated with it, and the fact that we continue to see it as our responsibility to nation-build, be the policeman of the planet, etc......................................................................................................Yeah, well, guess what, I have a suggestion. We currently have some 900 foreign military bases - a fair amount of them in totally unnecessary locations such as Aruba. What do you say that we (to start, I'm saying) close a good hundred of them down? Fifty of them we could close altogether and the other fifty we could relocate to our shores and borders to work on homeland security. a) We'd reduce the deficit (a good 5-10 billion, I would think) and b) we'd actually be stimulating OUR economy and not the economies of other nations. So, what do you think? I bet that I could get Mr.s Paul and Kucinich on board.


  1. Oh, but haven't you heard Will? Me mustn't upset the big "R" and big "D" statist power dudes. It's just wouldn't be nice now would it?

  2. The word "empire" does not apply to a situation where there's actual no empire. But yes, why not close 1/6th of them down?

  3. Les, you, me, Paul, and Kucinich - it's a start.............dmarks, you're right, empire probably wasn't the most appropriate term. A more accurate term would have been busybody.


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